caboy Try win11. You can activate it with a win7 oder win 10 key before installing it. It helped me a lot. But make a clean install.

hayder1983 I tried using a adapter DP-DVI but i get very mild nausea from my old TN, my new monitor via HDMI didnt create that nausea. Didnt try VGA adapter though.

If you feel like it, get a dvi-hdmi cable, or a dvi-hdmi connector adapter to test with. The dvi and hdmi signals are the same and are not converted, what might be different is the pixel clock and/or the chip on the monitor's board.. whether it is processing the dvi input on a different chip than the hdmi port. You can use the same dp to ? adapter on both ports.

On my monitor, using HDMI with my PC lets the pixel clock go up to 225 instead of 165 that it is on the DVI port. I don't know if it's using the same chip for both ports. It's an old monitor.

    Sunspark I am happy with my new one monitor hdmi setup. I dont like the white of my white LED monitor, but i think it will be normal in a few months, my brain/eyes will learn to accept it. My old monitor goes back to my friend to whom i gifted it.


    Can you check to see if you have a driver for your display and an icc profile please? I think remember reading in another thread someone said that made a difference. The guy installed a monitor driver and his eye pain went away.

    It might explain my experience with my laptop also. The laptop was good when I got it. I upgraded the hard drive, reinstalled windows, and had eye pain. I managed to get the Dell factory image reinstalled and the eye pain went away. I remember when it was bad the monitor thing only said "Generic PnP Monitor" and there was no ICC profile. When I got the good image back on, I had a monitor driver for "Dell XPS AUO… Display" and an ICC profile to match.

    Right click on desktop

    Click "Display settings"

    On the right frame scroll down and click "Advanced display settings"

    Click "Display adaptor properties for Display 1"

    Click the tab for "Monitor"

    If it says anything other than "Generic PnP Monitor" I think that means there is a display specific driver installed. Mine is "Dell XPS AUO… Display".

    Then click the tab for "Color Management"

    The click "Color Management..."

    That should show any custom ICC profiles.

    • JTL replied to this.


      I will give that tool a look. Is your Radeon 6600 xt good? Do you have a monitor driver installed also?


      caboy Can you check to see if you have a driver for your display and an icc profile please? I think remember reading in another thread someone said that made a difference. The guy installed a monitor driver and his eye pain went away.

      Not applicable under Linux (never installed any profiles or monitor "drivers"), and I am using a monitor with an uncrippled sRGB mode.

      Don't know what to tell you. I've tested my W5500 with my lossless video capture setup and have observed no temporal dithering or other motion artifacts when either in the BIOS setup or when running under Linux with the amdgpu driver.


        Ahh. I thought you were running windows or dual boot.

        Which linux are you using? I tried Fedora 35 and 36 with the Pro W6600 card with the amdgpu driver. That gave me eye strain.

        What monitor do you have?

        [Edit to add monitor question.]

          a month later

          Donux Probably last three keys relate to something else,


          Actually disregard, this is wrong. All these differing keys relate not to temporal dithering, but to other type of dithering. I feel a bit stupid, as all those codes are based on GPU behaviour, overheating handling and other stuff. Either way, these keys have zero affect for me, but please do not use it, its totally different stuff 🙂

          9 days later

          caboy Which linux are you using? I tried Fedora 35 and 36 with the Pro W6600 card with the amdgpu driver. That gave me eye strain.

          @caboy Were you ever able to get the card to work without eyestrain?

            2 months later

            caboy I am wondering if you tried to disable dithering with xrandr , or tried another WM/DE like XFCE or MATE (as we know the Win 10 "compositor" can cause problems, it might make sense to experiment here, too). Some folks have had success with XFCE and MX Linux on here.

            a year later

            i'm using the W5700 in debian/xcfe (it wont boot at all in windows) & it's not good. I'm hoping amdgpu will be able to edit colorspace soon to give me my limited blacks and that will do the trick. never been able to get proprietary drivers working
