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Hi i am a 19 years old university student from Germany. I always was a little bit sensitive to artificial light and when my family changed from an old CRT TV to an LED TV some years ago my eyes were lightly strained for a month or so but the effect went away after some time and i forgot about it. My problems started after using a MBPr for a month in the end of 2014. It started with irritated and dry eyes first, followed by heavy nausea and temporal visual defect as soon as looking for some seconds on the screen of the Macbook. I had to sell my Macbook and go back to my old Windows laptop. Since then i have a problem with screens in general and my eyes are often very dry. I have a very light astigmatism that was diagnosed by a optician after the problems began but the glasses that i wear since then only have a light effect on the problem and even GUNNAR glasses did not help that much. The eye doctor only diagnosed dry eyes. The only devices that i am able to use without any effect on my eyes are android devices. The developer options allow to turn the hw-overlays off which worked for me. Like most of you guys i fear that there will be more and more "bad" LED lights and screens in the future.