jordan Oh okay cool and nice collection. Yes I have the original rugged version. If it goes out on me I'm getting the slim. And thanks for testing I appreciate it.
Welcome to LED Strain!
jordan Interesting thanks. I'm not sure what the difference is in comparison to other screens but most other LED backlit LCD phone screens are a bit harsh for me.
I joined this forum because I wanted to solve eye problems caused by displays and light.
First, let me introduce myself.
I develop and sell displays and lighting equipment for people with photosensitivity.
At the same time, I am a doctor (anesthesiologist) and my company is an IT company, but I also have mild photosensitivity, so I am researching this issue while selling light protection products.
I became photosensitive because I used a display device for more than 10 hours a day for three weeks to meet a development deadline.
My photosensitivity symptoms were glare and severe eye fatigue.
In my case, using a reflective LCD display drastically reduced the strain on my eyes and was effective in my recovery.
I have been working on solving this problem since 2021.
What I have learned from patients with photosensitivity and Irlen syndrome is that there are multiple factors involved in this problem.
As pointed out in this forum, I believe that the following are the most typical factors.
・Physical effects of light
・Problems with visual recognition
・Effects on surrounding organs through autonomic nervous system coordination
・Large individual differences specific to sensory organs
Each factor produces common symptoms such as eye fatigue, nausea, fatigue, and headaches, but the problem is that the measures are completely different.
Even in Japan, the treatment of this problem is very small, patients are isolated, and there is a lack of information necessary to solve it.
I would like to participate in this forum and work to solve this problem.
I am not good at English, so I am participating using Google Translate.
Thank you very much.
Hello everyone!
I'm almost 40 years old and I live in Asia. I'm a professional software developer and an Apple device user. I've been sensitive to PWM for as long as I can remember. Thanks to, I learned that PWM isn't the only issue. About a year ago, helped me solve a problem with Apple Silicon. Since then, I've spent a lot of time reading posts here on the forum and have learned a lot about modern technology issues. However, I only recently decided to join as a participant.
I have moderate myopia and astigmatism (special glasses almost completely correct it), and sensitivity to PWM/dithering/bright light (usually only concerning monitors). In the past, I spent a huge amount of time with doctors, but no one has been able to tell me what the problem is. Therefore, there is no exact diagnosis or treatment, so unfortunately, the problem is not solvable from a medical standpoint for me.
English is not my native language: I have no issues with reading, but for writing posts, I almost always use ChatGPT to check grammar and translation.
I'm sure it's very important to share information like what's presented on this site, as there's very little of it online. And I will always be grateful to for that.
Hello everyone! I'm Storme, I’m 28 years old, based in San Jose, California, and I work as a software engineer. Due to my job, I spend a lot of time with electronic devices and screens. About a year ago, I started noticing unusual eye strain after long hours of work, sometimes accompanied by dizziness and trouble concentrating. Initially, I thought it was just common eye fatigue from extended screen time.
However, after trying various solutions like changing monitors and reducing screen brightness, the symptoms didn’t improve significantly. It wasn’t until recently that I learned these discomforts might be caused by factors like PWM dimming and time jitter—especially for people like us who use electronic devices for long hours.
Seeing many people share similar experiences here on the forum makes me feel less alone. I hope to find more solutions to address these issues, and I also look forward to helping others who may be experiencing the same troubles!
Location: Washington State, USA
Occupation: Software Developer
Age: 40s
How you first identified you were affected: I tried to buy a new monitor about a decade ago to upgrade from my HP LP2475w (pretty much the greatest monitor ever, ha) and everything felt so wrong within 5-10 minutes. The screens were crawling and left me feeling sick to my stomach and a bit dizzy (I'm very prone to migraine but this wasn't quite a trigger for those). I tried purchasing numerous monitors to see what the issue was (ppi, backlight type, flicker free, blah blah). Ultimately it seemed to just be CCFL = good vs. not = bad.
I'm very curious to read what others have to share. I have a small collection of backup HP LP2475w monitors along with a couple Dell U2412 CCFLs (random ebay purchases). I'd love to try OLED but I've read that they are terrible for office work. Strangely, televisions of varying types have never really impacted me much (assuming due to not having it directly in my face). Some laptop LED monitors seem to be okay for short periods of time.
1920x1200 for life!
Hello everyone, my name is Raymond
Occupation: gamer and designer (before illness)/ handyman now
Age: 28
I'm just a man who likes to play video games and sometimes made small mods.
I was into computer graphics and tried to make it my profession until I got dry eye syndrome.
I will try to write briefly and accurately (in my topic Eye Strain Research you can read more about my medical history and my research)
Hello, I am trying to figure out the main differences between these two monitors when it comes to my eye strain. KTC Q24T09 gives me no problems from the time I used it, and I switched over to try the Titan Army P2510S, and it is giving me some eye strain. Not sure what the backlighting differences are, I tried to research if anyone can help me. I believe Titan Army has KSF based lighting, but unsure about the former. Can anyone help?
Hello and greetings from Poland
I've been following your forum since years and you've alread helped me a lot, for example to find the usable setup I am wrigint this post. Now I decied to ask for your help and try to provide some tips where I can, share the knowledge and experience I gathered over few years fighting with modern HW and SW. Info about me:
My location: Poland,
Your age: 36
How you first identified you were affected: 2021
Slacor Hi I am a 24 year old male in the United States. I first started having problems with eyestrain while playing video games, this problem only started happening when I turned 18 years old. I am so glad that I found this forum because at first I thought it was specific videogames that I couldn’t play, but I didn’t consider the whole screen could be a problem. The video games that gives me the most eyestrain is Dark Souls 2, don’t know what it is about it but on PS4 and PC if I play it for too long I can’t even think straight. Even giving it a break for a few days and coming back to it doesn’t help. But various screens give me eyestrain that I cannot ignore. To the business owners who make software, hardware, and screens, there is an opportunity for you to create products for people like us to help us solve our eyestrain.