degen I was using iOS10 on my 6S for over a year with no problems, mild discomfort after long use but it is a bright display.

Upgraded to iOS11 recently and strain was much worse and the same with iOS12, everything doesn't seem as sharp (the calendar text and clock look fuzzy), text isn't as legible as before.

Hopefully this will pick up momentum and prompt Apple to resolve the issue.

    diop This trend of "newer is worse" is happening with all of us across all platforms from phones to has to be the same root cause.

    Personally I've not noticed any increased strains with my iPhone 6S and iOS12. (I'm ok for short to medium stretches with it)

    Gurm Did you get a new one? iPhone 7 prices have dropped.

    Anyone know good Android phones that have a Lineage OS image that are not straining? I don't want an expensive flagship...but also want something not ancient.

    @ryans Not yet. I made do with a battery pack on my HTC for the week I was away, but it's on my short list.

    10 days later

    I haven't heard of this Maximum Permissible Exposure benchmark before.

    I doubt either will be PWM free.

    !!!!! Got the Skinomi MatteSkin (don't confuse with the clear TechSkin)) !!!!!

    Not even close. SO much more comfortable on my iPhone. Remember I originally liked the iPhone 7 Plus which Best Buy threw a cheap plastic screen protector on. Around the same time I removed the screen protector it became much less comfortable. Now months later I installed the Skinomi MatteSkin and it's even better than the Best Buy screen protector. It's definitely not high fidelity or anything, and I'm pretty sure most people would not like the grainy appearance. It's VERY matte. But somehow it makes the screen so much easier to FOCUS on.

    Having said that, it still causes eye muscle tightness (although it’s better than before) and I wouldn't recommend it for long sessions. Personally I just use it in short bursts.

    Hey guys -- Been following this thread for a long time, thought I'd chime in. I'm pretty sensitive to PMW -- Galaxy S8 gave me awful headaches, LED lighting gives me these eye-seizures, even the LCD screens on the HTC 10 and LG G7 were basically unusable long-term.

    The only (modern) phone I've found that works for me is the Essential Phone (LCD) -- No eyestrain at all, and it's a pretty great phone as well. Prior to that, could only use the iPhone 5.

    Seriously consider it -- It took me forever to find something that actually works, so I'm hoping this can help a few people out.

      CCitrine As for the LG G7, I read on Notebookcheck that it has pretty significant PMW, more than the G6...

        CCitrine Yeah, PWM is so not my problem. It's rendering/dithering. I think...

        CCitrine Thanks for your recommendation. Have you actually measured there is no PWM?

        Essential Phone PWM:

        @Slacor the reddit link gets destroyed by the forum software

        Edit: olgomar actually tested the Essential Phone here in our forums not long ago:

          @Slacor possible to disable auto embed stuff?

          I was already annoyed with it some time ago trying to embed Amazon links to a "preview" that had ads too.

            KM Thanks.
            Uhmmm, so CCitrine it might be PWM is not your problem? Or who knows? Maybe, as someone pointed out, two nominally identical phones do not behave the same way?

            I can recommend the Microsoft Lumina 650, admittedly I am not sure I can use it, but its the closest I've gotten to a usable smartphone in years having tried a great many, plus it was only £25 on ebay - because who wants a windows phone! Be fine for work use though.

            Might be worth a punt for anyone else who can pick up a cheap one on ebay.

            • Gurm replied to this.