Usable Smartphones?
AGI No worries, thanks for taking it so positively and taking prompt action! Nice that it seems to be so easy to branch off into a separate conversation!
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Quoting from
hpst Another related anecdote...I have a Lineage 14.1 (highest it officially goes, haven't tried any XDA custom options) on a Moto G4 Play (no PWM) and in the few min at a time I ever use it it's ok. Not like a modern iPhone that can be triggering in seconds.
I am not familiar with that phone nor I had heard of Lineage before. Did you measure the device does not use PWM or are you relying on some website? Did the original OS (Android?) generate eyestrain instantaneously? Is Lineage stable / flawless, like, camera and other functionalities all work the same as on OEM software? Thanks.
I failed installing PA in a clean way on OnePlus 3. I want to test the phone on OxygenOS for a bit, in small doses. Yesterday to get the SIM card online I played around for a bit. I got some eyestrain and neck pain, but it did not spoil my day. In the morning no memory of it. Definitely different to all the AMOLED I tried, which sent me to bed after a few minutes of usage. Different also to the iPhone 6s I tested a few weeks ago, which gave me symptoms for three days after 20 min.
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AGI I am not familiar with that phone nor I had heard of Lineage before.
Lineage OS is formerly Cyanogen Mod and is the largest custom Android ROM.
AGI Did you measure the device does not use PWM or are you relying on some website?
The Moto G4 Play does not have PWM per's testing and from pencil/camera testing at home. It's possible it has super high PWM outside the range of the tests.
AGI Did the original OS (Android?) generate eyestrain instantaneously?
I never used it with the original, as I bought it just to put a custom ROM on and experiment and did so immediately.
AGI Is Lineage stable / flawless, like, camera and other functionalities all work the same as on OEM software?
It's as stable as any custom ROM. It depends on the device and maintainer. Usually everything works but bugs do happen from time to time. With most custom ROMs the phones are usually maintained by one volunteer, sometimes super popular phones have two or three people, and they can stop at any time leaving you high and it's a drawback to using them. Cameras are usually not great on custom ROM's because manufacturer post processing software is key to making images look good, and the camera software replacements used in custom ROMs aren't up to par. Depending on the device you will normally get mediocre to lower end results from the camera. A few devices like Pixels are able to use a port of Googe's camera software and still take good photos.
Failed to install Paranoid Android in a clean way on my new OnePlus 3, I have used the phone under OxygenOS 5.0.8 (Android 8.0.0) for 3 days, in average 2-3 (non consecutive) hours a day. I can handle it decently. No dramatic symptoms like with the other three phones I tried in the past months. The last, an iPhone 6s on iOS 10 which caused me pain for three days after 20 minutes of usage. With the OnePlus 3, I get a mild eyestrain and occasionally some eyelid twitching, telling me it is not a super-easy task to use the phone, but symptoms seem to be gone after putting the phone away. I am surprised because last year I could not tolerate Android 7.0. So maybe this piece of hardware is in some way better than others? I have no idea what "in some way" could be though.
I should also mention that I have been using the phone at very low brightness. Looking at the bar, probably 20%. I assume there is PWM.
I will test it a bit longer, but, as of now, I can think of using it at least for basic functions and needs.
I am tempted to try the upgrade to Android Pie, also to see if some annoying issues with certain apps disappear.
Hey guys, has somebody tried a new OP7/Pro with this new feature, DC Dimming?
lubo I plan to at some point. I think there is 14 phones with the DC dimming option now. I think it was the black shark 2 that even when using the DC Dimming option didn't perform as well as the one plus 7. When I do buy one I want to get at least 90hz refresh rate though.
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AGI I assume there is PWM.
Yes it has very low 240Hz PWM so that's one data point for you that PWM isn't your problem or primary proble. For future reference you can look up devices here if they have tested them. Click the "Show Restrictions" link under the intro paragraph to choose search parameters.
The test equipment goes up quite high but just because the result says "0" doesn't mean there isn't some insane frequency PWM above the equipments threshold, but it's a good way to see if there is LOW frequency PWM.
AGI I use the app "Brightness Manager" by Igor Tseglevskiy. It is pretty perfect for this purpose but has been pulled from the Play Store a while ago (has been there for years). I don't know why he deleted all his apps but it's still available as an .apk file at other sites. @degen downloaded it from a specific site somewhere higher up in this thread and we compared the checksums to make sure it's the original file. I can recommend this app in general for everyone who needs to find a safe non-PWM brightness range. You can view the display through a camera or better oscilloscope, fine-tune the brightness in the 256 levels Android uses behind the scenes and see when the PWM turns off. The set brightness level usually will be remembered after a reboot if auto brightness is off.
This is how I determined this exact value. If you ever use Paranoid Android, the value is a little lower, 65/255.
Thnaks a lot for feedback. Have you tried to deactivate 90Hz mode and activate DC Dimming, makes it any better? It seems that arroung 50% brightness there is no PWM.
So in the next week or so I'm moving the entire family to AT&T (they are having a stellar buy-one-get-one promo on Samsung phones now), which allows me to use GSM phones finally. Planning to hunt around for a OnePlus3. Do we have any idea whether I need to do OnePlus3 or if OnePlus3T is going to be the same? Has anyone used both?