it think it's not about the hardware (smartphone) but it's software (Android OS)

It can be either or a combination of both

    ensete I think it's about software for me because if i playing a game (nds and psp emulator) on the smartphone i don't feel headache but if i am browsing,chatting,checking email,watching video on the same smartphone with same setting,i feel headache.Maybe because GPU,If only there is a option to always activate gpu.Have you try to playing a game on your defect smartphone ?If you haven't,i hope you can try it for 5-10 minute because it's click with your symptom,i have read your past post about you using a same monitor on PC but using different software (driver) make you eyestrain.And maybe everyone in here can try to playing a game too on the smartphone,If everyone have the same symptom with me than we can find what cause of this problem and can make a software or application on android that can eliminate this problem.

      hansennn If everyone have the same symptom with me than we can find what cause of this problem and can make a software or application on android that can eliminate this problem.

      Honestly I think that's a fools errand. It could be any number of issues and each thing could effect any individual differently.

      My strategy has always been try devices until I find one that works, when I do buy 3 of them, and never ever upgrade.

      9 days later

      I can't tolerate my iPhone 6s anymore. I have made good progress in my eye health by avoiding problematic screens, and the iPhone 6s is the worst screen I own, giving strain within a few seconds. Now I only use it to answer phone calls. No texts or emails. It's a big problem. Is the OnePlus 3 my best bet ATM? I know there is no sure answer but what should I try next? I'm pretty desperate and willing to sink some cash in to resolve this issue. It's insane not being able to use a phone when I'm trying to conduct business. Thanks.

        degen Have your eyes been really strained recently, like through over-reading? I know that even your garden-variety eye strain will often come with a bit more photophobia than usual. I wonder if you're more sensitive to the backlight after.

        Have you tried NightShift on your 6S+, keeping it on all the time, and brightness at 0%? It's helped me with my iPhone 6S+

        I am using the lowest brightness and Nightshift at warmest setting. Still hurts bad. This phone doesn't trigger garden-variety eye strain like my good screens do. It's awful and has been there since I got the phone, although I tried to deny it because it's the best phone I've ever owned otherwise. I came from an HTC One m8 which was comfy to use and I seriously regret trading it in. With this condition I've learned that if you have a good working setup, don't change anything unless you absolutely have to!

        degen, have you tried the skinomi matte screen protector recommended by... uh... I forget who in a different thread? You and I have similar issues, and I find that the screen protectors - at least on iPhones - do help quite a bit. Not enough for me to trade in my One m8 but a bit.

          degen Have you tried adjusting the white point and reducing motion? It made a difference for me (not game-changing but more comfortable than default).

          4 days later

          Gurm That was me 🙂

          I can say for iPads at least, the matte, anti fingerprint, anti glare Techarmor screen protectors completely, 100% cured the eye strain I get from them. I have only used Skinomi's on Android devices.

          I would try the Techarmor protector for the iPhone

          • Kray replied to this.

            Just wanted to add I tried LineageOS (Jan-31-17 or slightly newer) for some days on the OnePlus 3, and it is currently not usable for me. Burning eyes after prolonged usage. I tried to search for the reason and found out that the color profile is reset every reboot to a color-altering profile. Must be a bug.

            This further confirms my observations about color profiles, which I mentioned in an earlier post. They introduce eye strain when they're active.

              I have now Oneplus 3T (Oxygen 4.0.3) since last Wednesday it's fast and great phone but I will return it.
              3T is way better then any iPhone and it seems to be like LG G2 without bluelight filter, but even with my filter which work wit my LG G2 - 3T is making eye strain. Maybe in log therm it should be better but I have to send it back in 15 days.
              I haven't tried CM13 or other software to not have problems with return. Changing colour temperature, night mode or sRGB is making me much bigger eye pain then default colour profile.
              So for now I will stay with my old G2 with bluelight filter, this I can use whole day without strain.

              • KM replied to this.

                tomek Don't use any blue light filter apps. Like you noticed with sRGB mode and those other color settings, it seems that any app that changes colors, including "blue light filters", will cause eye strain.
                By the way, did you make sure to set the brightness to at least 68/255 (to prevent PWM)?
                Those two things are absolutely necessary. Not using any color apps, and making sure brightness is >= 68.
                And only use Chrome as web browser.

                  KM This further confirms my observations about color profiles, which I mentioned in an earlier post. They introduce eye strain when they're active.

                  This lines up with my ICC cure on my monitor. It seems color profies have a lot to do with whatever we are experiencing

                  • KM likes this.

                  KM yes I did it, when I set it to 68 or 70 without any filter it's way to bright for me and after one minute - pain, even on next day I've tried and max brightness for me was around 5. I know when I feel direct strain then it's almost impossible that it will better.
                  Filter I use with LG as I wrote and there works fine, but on 3T it's better then without but not the same as with LG. It's surly connected with color tint, but can't find this the best one even when I compere to LG, maybe some one will create this the best one and I don't think PWM is making my strain. When I saw video on youtube most of them show that OP3 or 3T have PWM but screen is way better then my iPhone 6 which have 0 PWM. When I mess in settings in iP 6 where you can change colour tint it's getting better to use but not as LG.
                  I had a lot of hope with this 3T, I've tried many phones and surly it is one of the best ones but not the same as my old G2. Now G2 is getting slow so when I have to I will try once again one plus maybe 4 or 5 we will se what will be next or I will try to stay once again with 3T on min brightness.

                  6 days later
                  11 days later
                  6 days later

                  Just to add to the list, I recently got a Huwei Honor 5x, and the screen is horrid on the eyes. Even with the Skinomi screen protector, which helped a bit, it is still unusable. Shipping it back to Amazon tomorrow

                  Now Android 7.1.1 is officially out for the OnePlus 3, and after 2 days I had to downgrade to Android 7.0 because my eyes didn't stop burning. Whatever it is, it's probably the same problem I had with LineageOS, which is on 7.1.1, too. Bad news in some way, since there won't be new security updates for older versions anymore...

                    KM Yes, I had to root my device to block any updates to 7. There must be significant changes to the display technology in Android between 6 and 7. You can find some folks complaining about it, of course Google is quick to handwave away the problem as nonexistent.

                      10 days later

                      KM I use LG Flex2. It is currently the only P-OLED that doesn't use PWM. I can go for hours without any problems/headaches etc.
                      In contrast I used Samsung Galaxy A3(2016) in a dark room for about 2 hours and got the mother of all headaches.

                      • KM likes this.