
I have been trying a used 2013 macbook pro retina 15in with dual cards (intel iris and nvidia 750m).
The first time I had it the eyestrain was really horrible. I checked the terminal and the display was from LG.
Since the used shop where I bought it has a really nice policy including returns, I told them about the eyestrain, they acknowledged it and offered to change the display to Samsung.

I must say the replacement did reduce the eyestrain quite significantly, although not getting rid of it completely.
I also run windows 10 build 1607 (pre-anniversary edition) on it. The eyestrain on that boot seemed quite bad, however turning off adaptive brightness helped again to get it to the same low level like the OS Sierra.
(a hint for windows anniversary eyestrain sufferers - doesnt the adaptive brightness turn on automatically with the update?)

Since the only change has been the display, I suppose Samsung either has PWM free displays or LG had really bad ones. I wanted to leave this here, since many people reported some Apple devices give them eyestrain while others do not.

Ill be happy to see if you have similar stories.

    martin Samsung dispalys have always been terrible for me. From mobile devices to desktop monitors they have all caused severe eyestrain almost immediately

      ensete Its unbelieveable how subjective this problem is. Makes it really hard to solve. I guess all we can do is share the info here and then people can pick up on it and see what works for them.

        martin Unfortunately that is true. The root cause of all this is a brain issue, and everyones brain is unique

          ensete Sounds reasonable, how did you come up with this explanation? Is there any studies you have stumbled upon? I am to see my optometrist pretty soon but I am pretty sure he will tell me theres nothing wrong with my eyes (I use glasses, but that doesnt explain why some screens hurt without glasses and others dont - blurry vision without glasses doesnt cause me headaches, its just annyoing and blurry).

            martin I've been sufering from this condition for over 15 years now. In that time I've seen numerous neurologists, ophthalmologists, nuero-opthomologists, I've been to the best headache research centers in the country, I've had countless eye exams, nuerological tests, MRI's, CAT scans, brain scan, been tested for Irlen syndrome, tried every medicaiton under the sun, it goes on and on and on. The medical consensus is that it is a brain issue, not an eye issue.

              ensete Thank you for this info, I have researched the syndrome etc. you wrote about here. So you were tested negative for Irlen? The description of this syndrome sounds exactly like what a lot of people here are describing. I suppose then your solution is testing all the stuff you can until you find what works for you specifically, because basically there is no way for you to tell the precise reason (or its a combination of so many things its hard to pin it down)?

              5 years later

              Are there other people who find Samsung displays better than LG? I'm going to buy 2013y MacBook, so I really want to know
