Has anyone on here come across Postural Restoration Institute content like Neil Hallinan, Conor Harris, or Zac Cupples? PRI teaches you that the Human body is asymmetrical on the inside and we are all right dominant and overuse our right eye and right peripheral vision because we initiate the gait cycle on right foot and transfer our weight to left as we move forward through 3D space. Most modern humans get stuck with there pelvis oriented to right because of sensory issues and overusing right side of body. The feet, pelvis, tongue, jaw, eyes follow each other. When I do PRI techniques my visual issues with my led 165hz monitor and my amoled phone go away because my left scm muscles shut off and I can diaphramatically breath because my autonomic nervous system feels safe and grounded. I'm curious as to how many people on here are stuck in postural patterns such as left AIC, Right BC, PEC, etc. Neil Hallinan talks about excessive convergence causing neck breathing and Migraines due to loss of peripheral vision and 3D space. You tense up and head comes forward, tongue off roof of mouth.

It does not matter if you are Left handed, you are still right dominant because right diaphram muscle is bigger and stronger which sends more air into left anterior rib cage.

    Solomon33 Can you describe more what you do, is it some kind of exercise? Excessive convergence might be esophoria (which @martin did Vision Therapy for).

    This reminds me of Postural Deficiency Syndrome, of which Dr. Leonard Press blogs about here: https://visionhelp.wordpress.com/2018/09/14/prescribing-active-prisms-for-postural-deficiency-syndrome/

    Dr. Orlando Alves da Silva, who discovered the condition, has a website: https://www.orlandoalvesdasilva.org/proprioception-dysfunction-syndrome

    Other people have shared a special kind of chiropractic called Atlas Orthogonal has helped them, I might try it sometime.

      Solomon33 Neil Hallinan talks about excessive convergence causing neck breathing and Migraines due to loss of peripheral vision and 3D space.

      Would be awesome if there was a link or video or some reference to this, I'm super interested!

      Solomon33 I've also recently switched to a curved 240hz monitor and my eyes work much better on it. It feels like my peripheral vision has to work more. Anyways PRI works on the whole body there are techniques to retrain the brain on Neil's Youtube page.

      Orthotropics is another useful channel on Youtube that plays into sensory input issues because the roof of our mouths has nerve connections to our eyes and feet and most modern humans have underdeveloped jaws and collapsed posture. https://youtube.com/@Orthotropics

      Mark Warren's channel is useful for correcting myopia which also plays into sensory issues as he describes the role of peripheral vision in fixing near sightedness. He just isn't aware of the interconnectedness of the whole human body. https://youtube.com/@LearningwithMarkWarren

      2 years later


      What were your symptoms that you were able to fix using PRI? Did you go to a PRI therapist or just follow what you learned on the YouTube videos?

      Is this still working for you?
