ocean10 at work and home didn't really upgrade anything (not because of screen sensitivity, just didn't have any reasons to)
Indeed. No need to update in my case either but unfortunately I am forced to at work. I do not own a private device anymore besides my crappy phone that luckily has a bug and does not update the OS. Never had a "security"-related issue nevertheless, and I buy heaps online. This is what pisses me off the most. That someone forces me to ruin my day by constantly updating an update for the sake of it.
ocean10 What kind of vision therapy did you do?
I have been doing vision therapy since I was diagnosed with heterophoria circa 2.5 years ago. First it was a minor form of exophoria (left eye pointing slightly outwards). After a couple of weeks of convergence exercises, the exophoria turned into esophoria (I cannot rule out that the first diagnosis was inaccurate, though). I had written a few posts about the exercises. Unfortunately they are scattered around and it is difficult for me too to find them :-). Here are a couple.
Most exercises, e.g., the cat stereogram, can be done to train either convergence or divergence. A new one I have been doing consists of merging the red and green circles on any one line on the transparent sheet below, either in convergence or divergence. If the exercise is done correctly, in the middle of the line a third circle will appear that is a blend of red and green, and letters will be neatly readable within the merged feature.
I quickly became good at converging and realized that I was struggling diverging so I have been focusing on improving my ability to diverge for the past year. That also relaxes my eyes because I am always working on a laptop (pretty much 13 years without a monitor, so predominantly close-up work straining the eyes to converge). I have made significant progress as to the single exercise but sadly this has not transferred to an enhancement of my ability to manage software updates or bad devices. Also, within my family there are individuals who fail at doing any of the exercises I can now do, and still have no issue whatsoever with high-tech devices. Moreover, I should stress that my specialists had been honest in warning me that vision therapy may give me only that 10-20% gain but not completely fix my issues. They all agreed that my symptoms resemble the ones of people who have incurred a brain trauma such as a concussion. Unfortunately, there is not an established healing routine. It is more of managing symptoms better and better, and increasing the range of tolerance. Since I am desperate and I find relief from exercising, I keep training.
For your information, I tested negative to EVP, brain MRI and any sort of ophthalmology examination. I have never succeeded getting a referral for EEG under trigger to detect epilepsy, but negativity to the EVP test should rule out epilepsy.