• AwarenessOS
  • Windows 10 21h2 is EOL and will autoupdate to a new version soon


On June 13, 2023, Home, Pro, Pro Education and Pro for Workstations editions of Windows 10, version 21H2 will reach end of servicing…

To help keep you protected and productive, Windows Update will automatically initiate a feature update for Windows 10…

That sounds like it will auto-update to a new version of Windows 10 (22h2)? For some of us 22h1 was the last known good version.

Is this your private PC? If so, can't you block updates? I don't own a private device anymore, only a business laptop.

There free software you can download that stop it from updating, I have not update my windows in a year, but I do manual updates, basically I try updating everything that doesn't deal with display

For what it's worth I'm on 22H2 and have not noticed a difference. I think I updated in December and don't recall any changes with the display.

  • AGI replied to this.

    ocean10 Is there any device that troubles you? I assume so if you are on this forum.
    It took me a while to adjust to any Windows 10 version on my laptop starting late 2020 (probably vision therapy helped), but I do not seem to cope with any update following November 2022. My laptop went from decent to barely usable.

      AGI Yes. I seem to be having trouble with anything "new" lately. This all started for me when the iPhone X came out. The day I bought it I started feeling so sick I almost went to the hospital until I somehow realized it was due to the phone. OLED iPhones make me extremely sick almost immediately upon looking at them. Like a severe version of motion sickness is the only way I can describe it.

      I also seem to be sensitive to just about all new LCD screens including those on laptops. I'm not sure the exact cutoff but sometime in the last 5-7 years everything started getting bad. I have an older laptop and older monitors at work which I can stare at all day with no symptoms at all. For newer equipment I start feeling bad literally immediately.

      Also the newer LCD iPhones/iPads don't work either. I can use Apple products that say "Retina Display". Anything with "Liquid Retina" or above makes me sick. I have an iPhone SE 3 that I can stare at indefinitely with no problems. The 9th generation iPad seems to be okayish as well.

      My home computer updated a while ago to 22H2 and seemed to be okay for me. In my office we are still on 21H2 so I guess we'll see what happens…..

      • AGI replied to this.
        7 days later

        ocean10 Yes. I seem to be having trouble with anything "new" lately. This all started for me when the iPhone X came out. The day I bought it I started feeling so sick I almost went to the hospital until I somehow realized it was due to the phone.

        What kind of sickness if you don't mind me asking? Seizures?
        I have awful memories of testing Samsung's flagship those days of the iPhone X. 5-10 minutes and I was in a horrible state for days. Hypersensitive to light including sunlight, muscle spasms, weird migraine.

        ocean10 My home computer updated a while ago to 22H2 and seemed to be okay for me.

        It is interesting that much bothers but not 22H2!
        When I returned to Windows in 2020 I had spasms in my right arm and in my low back. I could see my shirt moving because of the spasms. Terrifying. Somehow I got used to the laptop, though. I do not know how but I had started vision therapy right then. Maybe it did help?
        Later on, I went through a few updates and I remember the need to wait before my eyes would adjust to the change. Issues restarted around November 2022. I was blaming a Chrome update because I had not noticed that my OS had changed (new IT admin more aggressively forcing updates remotely). 22H2 is definitely a huge challenge, but also the last couple of builds of 21H2 have given me trouble. Uninstalling updates does not seem to fix things anymore since the second-last service stacking update (service stacking updates being not downgradable). Like, my laptop does not look the same for the same version and build of the OS months later, the only difference being the service stacking. No idea what it is/does. Maybe just the nth red herring. It is really difficult for me to pinpoint triggers right now, as I am exposed to too many.


          AGI What kind of sickness if you don't mind me asking? Seizures?
          I have awful memories of testing Samsung's flagship those days of the iPhone X. 5-10 minutes and I was in a horrible state for days. Hypersensitive to light including sunlight, muscle spasms, weird migraine.

          Don't mind at all. I'm all for sharing as much as possible so hopefully one of us can figure this out! I think at the time I thought I was having a stroke (was a 37 year old relatively healthy guy just for way of background). I felt like my body got all warm, dizzy, nauseous, headache, and could almost feel some sort of weird feeling in my chest. I don't seem to get the intense headache/migraine that many people describe. It's hard to describe but looking at these screens visually it's not immediately apparent something is different. It's a feeling that almost immediately comes over me. So back then I didn't immediately attribute it to the screen. After freaking out a little bit I realized that it all started when I booted up the phone or when I tried to do anything on it. I've since then been using various versions of the iPhone SE with no issues at all. I did just see a post mentioning that the latest iOS update made the iPhone SE unusable for someone so I'm going to try to avoid updating.

          I think screens/technology started getting bad over the ensuing years without me realizing it. I stuck to my old phone and at work and home didn't really upgrade anything (not because of screen sensitivity, just didn't have any reasons to). I did notice at various times during the past few years that other people's monitors weren't comfortable etc. but I didn't think much of it. The past few weeks I've had a few different things happen (needing to use other screens, buying a new camera etc.) where I've realized that just about everything new makes me feel sick regardless of whether it's a LCD or OLED. Old computers, screens, tv's, phones are all still fine. It's started to freak me out this week since I get scared that soon I won't be able to use any screen.

          AGI I do not know how but I had started vision therapy right then. Maybe it did help?

          What kind of vision therapy did you do? I'm wanting to potentially see a doctor about this but I'm not sure where to start. Seems more neurological than vision but I have no idea.

          • AGI replied to this.
          • AGI likes this.

            ocean10 at work and home didn't really upgrade anything (not because of screen sensitivity, just didn't have any reasons to)

            Indeed. No need to update in my case either but unfortunately I am forced to at work. I do not own a private device anymore besides my crappy phone that luckily has a bug and does not update the OS. Never had a "security"-related issue nevertheless, and I buy heaps online. This is what pisses me off the most. That someone forces me to ruin my day by constantly updating an update for the sake of it.

            ocean10 What kind of vision therapy did you do?

            I have been doing vision therapy since I was diagnosed with heterophoria circa 2.5 years ago. First it was a minor form of exophoria (left eye pointing slightly outwards). After a couple of weeks of convergence exercises, the exophoria turned into esophoria (I cannot rule out that the first diagnosis was inaccurate, though). I had written a few posts about the exercises. Unfortunately they are scattered around and it is difficult for me too to find them :-). Here are a couple.
            Most exercises, e.g., the cat stereogram, can be done to train either convergence or divergence. A new one I have been doing consists of merging the red and green circles on any one line on the transparent sheet below, either in convergence or divergence. If the exercise is done correctly, in the middle of the line a third circle will appear that is a blend of red and green, and letters will be neatly readable within the merged feature.

            I quickly became good at converging and realized that I was struggling diverging so I have been focusing on improving my ability to diverge for the past year. That also relaxes my eyes because I am always working on a laptop (pretty much 13 years without a monitor, so predominantly close-up work straining the eyes to converge). I have made significant progress as to the single exercise but sadly this has not transferred to an enhancement of my ability to manage software updates or bad devices. Also, within my family there are individuals who fail at doing any of the exercises I can now do, and still have no issue whatsoever with high-tech devices. Moreover, I should stress that my specialists had been honest in warning me that vision therapy may give me only that 10-20% gain but not completely fix my issues. They all agreed that my symptoms resemble the ones of people who have incurred a brain trauma such as a concussion. Unfortunately, there is not an established healing routine. It is more of managing symptoms better and better, and increasing the range of tolerance. Since I am desperate and I find relief from exercising, I keep training.
            For your information, I tested negative to EVP, brain MRI and any sort of ophthalmology examination. I have never succeeded getting a referral for EEG under trigger to detect epilepsy, but negativity to the EVP test should rule out epilepsy.

            Hey guys, could someone share where do you download exactly win10 21h2 or win11 21h2 ? Thanks.

              madmozg Easiest way for you would be to use the Rufus utility to do it. It's used to write images to usb drives but can also download the isos directly from MS.

                madmozg Ugh, so it is.. it was there before, looks like MS took it out of the main catalog. You will have to get it from a site or torrent. However I got the isos already for 2, so if you want the Enterprise version, en-us_windows_10_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_d289cf96.iso c90a6df8997bf49e56b9673982f3e80745058723a707aef8f22998ae6479597d and en-us_windows_10_iot_enterprise_ltsc_2021_x64_dvd_257ad90f.iso a0334f31ea7a3e6932b9ad7206608248f0bd40698bfb8fc65f14fc5e4976c160 are the filenames. Checksums are SHA256.

                Activators for both are on github but you can try them out for 90 days before activation.
