• Meta
  • Documenting findings

Slacor Multiple people means accidental deletes / modifications so some form of revision control is need.

Maybe something like Git, although that makes it hard for non technical users to contribute.

The MediaWiki instance failed IMO because their wasn't a push to use it and it doesn't integrate with the forum accounts, plus the SMTP issues you had with MediaWiki.

Edit: Just finished reading your post

Slacor A less expansive alternative would be some form of github page allowing pull requests for changes

Yes. How will non technical users contribute? Maybe they can tell us their changes/findings and we can commit them on their behalf, crediting them in the commit logs for record keeping.

    JTL How will non technical users contribute? Maybe they can tell us their changes/findings and we can commit them on their behalf, crediting them in the commit logs for record keeping

    Pretty much my thoughts.

    On organization, I've been pondering on implementing a "one topic per thread".
    As it stands, many threads blend multiple topics making gathering information that much harder.
    Perhaps not globally, but for threads about a specific topic, it should stay on topic.

    • JTL replied to this.
    • JTL likes this.

      Slacor I really like the Git idea. A site I use often that's built using a static site generator but the site source is stored on Github is https://twofactorauth.org/. Could probably figure out a way to categorize everything and such. Maybe host the "master" version on something similar to https://info.ledstrain.org

      5 days later

      Slacor Thanks for giving me access.

      Will start on it when I have time.

      a year later

      Seen a few requests for a way to group data again.
      I have the github one setup.

      Github also seems to have a wiki. Maybe just use that as well?
      I'll add both as links

      • JTL replied to this.

        Slacor I quite like the Github wiki, it's just a bunch of static markdown files and nothing else you need to do.

        Unfortunately the wiki is very basic, only allowing top level pages

        I've restructured once again and I feel like this is a decent solution
        I've switched over to Pelican since it made rendering content in a specific directory much more easier and it's on Python and I can keep this updated 🙂
        It also has a option for automatically categorizing based on its directory name, making it feel more intuitive

        The main repo will handle the theming, layout etc.
        The wiki however, will be the actual content of the site and is a secondary repository.

        Above, there are two urls, Wiki and Contribute. The Wiki looks nice and its theming can be changed, but Contribute is solely the content.
        Right now, it's updated by a cron job but I can create a webhook so whenever a commit is pushed, the site will update automatically.

        New "articles" should be as simple as creating a markdown file with a minimum of

        Title: Demo Title

        Category and Date are automatically set.
        Perhaps a readme of editing a file, and proposing the file change or addition would help.
        Even if that is too difficult, users can always just post here, or create a issue and if someone decides to help do the change for them, so much the better.

        I don't know theming at all, so ideally someone who knows more then me can make it look nice.
        But it is a place to organize data in a more permanent fashion then a forum

        • JTL replied to this.

          Slacor Pelican is cool. I've been meaning to try it out sometime.

          2 months later

          I signed up for GitHub but have no idea how to edit the Wiki.

          • JTL replied to this.

            KM Do you know how to use the Git tools?

            2 months later

            Don't know if I've shared this here but @ryans was thinking of a general "intake form" template as sort of an "introduction post" new members could fill out and post.

            I have his permission to share it here.

            On a separate note, I was wondering if we should have some kind of standard "intake" form on LED Strain, since we're getting new people. Stuff like:
            1. What monitors have you used comfortably in the past?
            2. What desktop computer have you used comfortably in the past?
            3. What laptops have you used comfortably in the past?
            4, What smartphone have you used comfortably?
            5. What devices are giving you problems?
            6. Have you had a vision exam that checked for convergence issues and eye teaming?
            7. Any medical history? Lyme Disease? Auto immune?
            I'm sure we can come up with more.

            (It's a shame Meta posts are hidden from the main page, so I almost never see them. 😐

            Have you guys thought of moving this forum over to a subreddit...?

            Edit: Might be easier to navigate than some of the extremely long linear threads here, and with the voting it might make it easier to find the most popular avenues for relief. And reddit also allows subreddit wikis/indexes.

            • JTL replied to this.

              nuwio4 Reddit is awful. I mean look at the new design.

              I'm not a big fan of this forum software (I mean the underlying code quality is good but I referring to the design, which I will admit has slightly grown on me) and I prefer the old phpBB style layouts, but very few forum software implementations are inherently good at handling long discussions. I fail to see what advantage a subreddit would bring.

              I agree about the redesign, I tend to stick to old.reddit.com whenever I use reddit. And I think it might be possible to set a subreddit to stick to the old design. Yea, navingating a long discussion is always going to be problem, but I still think a subreddit might have some benefits.

              There doesn't yet seem to be any broad rhyme or reason to our symptoms, and finding relief seems to be serendipitous. For someone new coming upon this problem it might be easier to decide what to try next if, for example, the "Usable Smartphones" discussion took place in a reddit thread where people could vote on devices/suggestions at the same time.

              • JTL replied to this.

                nuwio4 And I think it might be possible to set a subreddit to stick to the old design

                Until they remove it.

                nuwio4 For someone new coming upon this problem it might be easier to decide what to try next if, for example, the "Usable Smartphones" discussion took place in a reddit thread where people could vote on devices/suggestions at the same time.

                We've had a MediaWiki instance, Github static site with pull requests. There's no motivation to get a listing of "information" together and I fail to see how Reddit would be much different in that regard.

                How many individual users are on this site anyway? (active or not)

                • JTL replied to this.

                  Mark me down officially as a hard NO for moving to Reddit.
