5y ago I had tried the 11inch HD one and it was trash, now I tried the Paperlike 253 and it has gone a long way! However due to the step price I think it's not worth buying it now as the color version will start shipping in Jan, I'm definitely going to try that one.
tbh if I stay on a single web site, mostly text blogs with white background or pdf books, I love it, refresh rate is super fast, scrolling is smooth, picture looks static and comfortable to read for hours. Ghosting is not that bad, sheet copy cells do not dither, mouse pointer dithers a bit on move but it's not as visible as in the old HD model.
However the mouse feels lagging and annoying, this is not a problem for single web site with scrolling but it's annoying if you do more dynamic work. If some page is dark it's hard to to navigate it (also hyperlinks are invisible!), so you can't just be on this monitor you must have a primary monitor in color, so you must disable QuickShade and DarkMode thus rendering the primary monitor super uncomfortable.
I'm testing the version with front light, the light is very bright. The monitor does not have brightness level btn, the software does, however that option does not work on Mac, that is the only software option that does not work, rest are good. The first day the light felt super annoying, however I fast got used to it, so even this monitor is super bright I do not have problems reading from it! Anyways I would still prefer the brightness level to work and do match the room light at night at this this step price!
Some people say it's not worth the extra price for the front light and to use computer light on top of the monitor, but I completely disagree with that. This monitor is big thus the monitor light is strong on the top and weak at the bottom, such uneven light is terrible to look at.
In a summary if you stay long time in a single program like vs code, terminal, single white website, pdf book, this monitor is great (unlike it's predecessor HD). Since my work requires lot of tabs switching, I find it annoying, thus I find myself using it only in the free time after work.
Given it's step price of ~$2k I do not think this monitor is worth yet, I have really high hopes for the color version that's coming early next year and definitely will be testing that one as well. Luckily I'm in US and buying them on Amazon from Sol with free returns.
I haven't tried the Sunvision RLCD (same price range of 2K, but that one has 15% restocking fee)