Sunspark The purpose of a capacitor is to regulate power. If the power goes out, it's going to dump it's voltage to try and keep the device going. This model of Tivo is notorious for having substandard capacitors, and sudden discharges strain capacitors and that s what blew these two.
This is a fascinating observation, wish I had some insight to offer. Perhaps the TV has a fault as well?
It's not the TV as other devices are fine. I did use a bad choice for a replacement cap (it has a high ripple value) and I thought that could be sending oscillating voltages to the board, but I swapped the power supply with a known good stock power supply and no change. I did swap the coax and HDMI cable and that seems to help, although I have no idea how a power outage would hurt those, unless it was spiking power coming from the battery of the UPS that was runing the Tivo. I opened the devie and checked all the HDMI pins and they were fine, the video controller on these devices is all part of the SoC so I can't isolate that to check it for damage.
It's an odd one, but ne more thing to throw in the pile of possible causes to our issue: Bad power input