oxlr I don't use it currently because for me the EW2740L is better. Whatever it is that comes with increased brightness and bothers my eyes, it's less present in the bigger model. One of them I use as TV at 15% brightness and 50% contrast (default). The smaller model I still can only use at 0 brightness and reduced contrast. I put both models next to each other and realized they have a different color. I believe for the photo I used low blue light mode (-70%) and set brightness to 0% and contrast to 50% for each of them. The bigger monitor is brighter and whiter, yet it's better to look at.

    From that pic, there is a very noticable difference in blue light between those displays. The EW2740L has a reddish tint, where the EW2440L has a bluish tint.

    Maybe a bit off topic, but just today on my laptop I installed ditherig to disable dithering, set my Nvidia card to be used with my browser (as opposed to the intel hd onboard), and readjusted f.lux a little away from a less warm tint. The biggest difference seems to have been using the Nvidia card, which I never would have suspected before reading about it on this forum. I may even be imagining this, but it seems when switching from intel to nvidia, my screen seems noticably clearer and less fatiguing. I need to play it for a while in order to get a better idea about it, so I am not making any definitive statements yet.

    So I am wondering if the U2414H tends to have a blue tint or red tint to it? My laptop display definitely has a strong blue tint by default, and changing f.lux just one notch makes a difference in the perception of too much blue light.

    degen Crizal prevencia is unique in computer oriented coatings in that it is supposed to block the harshest of blue light but leave the pupil constricting wavelengths to get through. I havent tried it though.

    I had a custom set of lens made with the Privencia Crizal coating. At first they actually did provide a little help, not a big difference, but a difference, but after a few weeks of use they started causing eye fatigue and strain themselves (a very common issue with coatings) and so I discontinued use.

    Don't forget to try loading the manufacturer ICC profies. To date it's the only thing that has cured my eye strain on LED montiors

    oxlr The EW2440L is still my primary display. I would probably do well on the EW2740L (me and KM seem to have very similar reaction to monitors), but I can't get a hold of one.

    KM So the EW2740L is actually better for you independent of the obvious benefits of it's size?

    • KM replied to this.

      degen Yes, it's definitely better for me. The brightness is a little higher, yet it's easy too look at it. No need to reduce the contrast anymore. I'm still trying to get another one, but no luck yet.

        KM That's awesome. The EW2440L is of course been a game changer for me but it still doesn't get me nearly to comfort after a few hours of use.

        Sort of related but I've been spending a lot of time outdoors recently, just came back from a camping trip this weekend actually. I noticed right away that my vision was better and I didn't need to use glasses on the computer. Now my eyes have strained and tightened and I need my glasses to see. :/

        I doubt if I would need glasses at all if it wasn't for this problem, or if I did maybe just a pair of weak reading glasses would do it.

        I've upgraded my WTB EW2470L ad on Kijiji to payed ad status.. How can I make sure it is not with a different panel though..

        • KM replied to this.

          degen I noticed right away that my vision was better and I didn't need to use glasses on the computer.

          For me any displays, even the usable ones, are harder to look at when my eyes are already "strained". During the last days I had too look into PWM stage/street lights in the evening. Using my EW2740L after that made my eyes turn red.

          I hope you get a good monitor.

          When pressing power and 2nd button from the right simultaneously (with an attached device that's switched on) for some time and then releasing them, some hardware info appears, including the panel. My Infos are:

          Panel: AUO M27 0HVN0 2.0
          Scaler: REALTEK 2487TD
          F/W Version: V003 20140623

          And on the bottom side of the monitor, the sticker says "Manufactured March 2015".

          10 days later

          I see there are a couple of sellers on eBay shipping from South Korea with the EW2740L. Trying to get in contact with them to see if the units are brand new or have some kind of refurbishment.
