I was looking at a Chromebook CX34 at Target the other day because I need a computer to do some writing on. It's IPS so I thought it would be ok with PWM.
Within 3 minutes I had a headache and some nausea that lasted most of the day. I noticed that the words were fuzzy and flickery, which is probably the reason for the nausea.
I took a video with my camera in slow motion to show what it looks like - https://youtu.be/XpvgoVFZ0dk. Notice that part of the letters flicker from back to fuzzy white. When I do it on my Macbook Pro 2011 the letters remain crisp and clear no matter how slow the video is.
Is this PWM, Dithering or something else? Trying to get a handle on what the actual problem is here.
(Sorry for the shaky video)