I just came across this new phone designed to stop flicker by Honor! Anyone have experience or opinions? I'm stuck on a iPhone5 and an old Lenovo laptop without a GPU or video card and running windows 8.1 At least everything still works and I can function normally. But my phone is WAY past it's expected lifespan and I'm desperate for a smart phone replacement… https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Q_aqB1ipsoU
Never even heard of Honor… https://www.hihonor.com/global/phones/

    8 months later

    Socrates it did give me strain and I returned it. Or you would have seem my yelling I Got a new phone!!!!

    I tried it and it triggered huge eye strain. Returned the device. Very little actual results based evidence that flicker has anything to do with our issue

    • JTL replied to this.

      ensete Very little actual results based evidence that flicker has anything to do with our issue

      I disagree. Flicker can be an issue, but it is not the only issue. Unfortunately the other potential issues are both more obscure and under researched.
