this screen sucks, instant eye strain and brain fog feeling when i used it in the store and another time at a random kiosk, nothing on the screen seems to have the correct flat perspective and everything constantly feels like it's shifting, it's like i can only rest my eyes on whitespace and not the actual on-screen objects themselves, and it's similar to the 14" MacBook Pro mini-LED which is literally the worst screen I've ever used
(the 14" mini-LED MBP was so bad that it made me seriously think i was developing dyslexia or some kind of severe eye spasm until i suddenly realized i only experienced that when i was using that specific laptop)
IMO apple screens are not designed for long-term use at all, they are not built for text and information-dense UI and content, they only seem to be built to show photos/videos in an "impressive" way to keep pushing the spec numbers up without any care for ergonomics
there are a couple apple screens I can use though, 2016 13" Touch Bar MBP is fine for most use cases (in fact it's the only P3 wide color gamut screen i can use for the whole day. i'm also writing this reply on it right now), 2015 12" MacBook is okayish, the original iPhone 4 is significantly more comfortable than other iPhones, and anything before 2011 like the 2009 13" MBP has a comfortable and surprisingly stable image with the exception of some PWM/pixel inversion-related strain āā but they are few and far between, and starting around 2015~2018ish new Apple screens have started to get worse and worse every year
also, I've consistently seen the 5K iMac (and probably 4.5K) reported as examples here for "the first time i experienced LED strain" so I can't vouch for those either