Donux ycrb 4:4:4 does not add noise. 4:2:2 does. So don't stress about that. Both are as good, but can be different depending on if using a hdmi cable, and how the monitor processes the signals. There are definitely subtle differencess.

I actually take it back. It just does not work, and I can not use it. And it is not screen, it is GPU unit. You can tweak endlessly, its garbage in -> garbage out type of situation 🙂

2 months later

wlmsn TB = Touch Bar, aka the lower end 13" (the 13" -- not the 14"!) M2 MacBook Pro model with a touchscreen strip above the keyboard (instead of function keys), only two USB-C ports, and no notch.

It's the one that has the "MacBook Pro" text below the screen instead of a blank space.

(Not to be confused with the M1 Air or M2 Air. It's still a Pro but based off the older Intel-era design despite having an M2 chip)

    Has anyone tried this on the new M4 Mac Mini? I'm a PC user but considering buying one as there is some particular software I'd like to use (which is for Mac only).

    I do not know how can you make tests just based on laptop with assumption that panel is faulty. I have reached out to the Benq about PD2705Q 2k monitor, and they have confirmed it is true 8bit monitor. So the fact it causes eye strain when plugged to macbook Air M is very alarming. And with all the betterDisplay tweaks that can be done there, it is clear that its the GPU unit that has an issue mainly. Panel technology is as random and flickery as it used to be, no change there. So it must be that Pro GPU units is a totally different breed in comparison to Air GPU units. Its not the same thing at all, but from product specification some may assume it is fanless macbook pro with fewer cores. So in a way on external montor M1, M2, M3, M4 or whatever, should produce the same results on external monitor. (Maybe M4 will have more lessons learned and incremental improvements). Only the panel lottery can be justified by picking Macbook pro M2 13 which does come with that older display from intel era.

    hello, does this work on M4?

    I've just came across this post… very brilliant work!
    I've tried to download the tool and open it. My screen recording is still showing a difference full of satatic-like signal regardless whether the option in the tool is enabled or disabled. Though running the command line to check dithering it shows that it changes state from on to off or vice-versa.

    My laptop M3 14" with Sequoia 15

      In terms of built-in IPS display I've found the following 2 strange bugs in Macbook Air M3 15''. This makes image quality unstable poor, makes some visual interference, makes pressure on eyes.
      It must be a video driver bugs, software level bugs. If those 2 things can be fixed. Then I hope image quality will be as stable and good as it was in Macbook pro 2014 IPS display.
      Can someone help to fix the following things?


      Brightness F1-F2 flickering bug.

      I. if Autobrightness is OFF - brightness F1-F2 changes smoothly ONLY WHEN ANY video player is active: Chrome-Youtube, QuickTime Player, etc…
      II. if Autobrightness is ON - brightness F1-F2 changes smoothly ALWAYS, even player is active or not.

      So if Autobrightness is OFF, then flickery effect appears when video player NOT active.

      If Autobrightness is ON - some instability in plain colours also there, but less visible. Plain colours still are not as comfortable and stable as it is in MBP 2014 15'' IPS.

      Also noticed that when I use QuickShade App (simple screen shader app) then interference in plain colours are more visible and annoying. Semitransparent black shader makes more visible color interference. When I use same QuickShade App on my MBP 15'' 2014 IPS - no such effect, all colors shaded evenly.

      Request to Apple: when Autobrightness is OFF - I prefer to have smooth brightness changing F1-F2 ALWAYS, even if video player is NOT active (Chrome-Youtube, QuickTime Player, etc…) AND plain colours without interference when not using video player.

      It can be a bug in video driver, power save optimisation (but I never use any power save options in settings), light sensor work, or combo, or something else

      Shown in the video:


      Gradient is not smooth - Lagom test.

      I compare same videos using 2 Macbooks (2014 Pro and 2023 Air) and notice that 2014 Pro much smoother in terms of gradients. How to make gradients in 2023 Air stable and smooth?

      Shown in the video:


      Request to Apple:

      If so many people (current users of Macbook Air M3 IPS) feel uncomfortable with the default software / driver display settings, our goal is to push Apple to add into Settings some option to manage those things. If one-of-a-kind PhD wants to use it - he can turn it ON. But other 99.9% of users prefer to turn it OFF…

      Add to Display Settings:

      - On/Off instability in plain colours (especially black text on a white or light background), simple shaders all colours shaded evenly.
      - On/Off F1-F2 flickering (auto gamma)

      - On/Off Gradients not smooth - gradient algo to make Lagom test smooth

      It will satisfy majority of the users. The only way is flexibility in settings to make display comfortable for different eyes.


      Here I've created new topic with detailed info on my MBA. Any useful info, please, share.
      In case you've sent feedback to Apple - make a post:


      I wrote to Apple's support. When 15.0 15.1 15.1.1 were released. But didn't get any result.
      Hope power of Ledstrain community will help Apple to fix those bugs.
      Use official feedback website to send to Apple those bugs and ask to fix them…

      I use iPhone 11 - best IPS display

      I use Macbook Pro 2014 15’’ - best IPS display, comfortable for work during whole day

      Those 2 issues I've tested on various people. All of them notice those bugs. So I would say it affects not 1.5%- 2% of the customer, but the majority 90-100%. You can send whole this text to Apple with the links.

      Thank you

      Donux I did not say that it relieved any discomfort. I said I tried the tool but the screen recording still showing the same result regardless whether the dithering option in the tool is disabled or enabled. That is to say, probably the tool is not working under this XOS version? or something else is wrong I am not quite sure.

        maciman Alright, gotcha. Then there is a bit of sad news then. I guess we come to the some sort of conslusion, that no matter what software tweaks you do, its very small improvement. Only improvement I have seen people surely claim is - screen cloning on betterDisplay when using external monitor. For me however, it did not really work.

        maciman I've tried to download the tool and open it. My screen recording is still showing a difference full of satatic-like signal regardless whether the option in the tool is enabled or disabled.

        How was the screen recorded?


          IPS displays don't have PWM (pulse-width modulation). This F1-F2 brightness flickering is another type of flickering, not PWM. Also instability/interference in plain colours it is some other bug

          Compare the following reviews about PWM:

          Macbook pro 14''

          The Apple MacBook Pro 14 (M3, Late 2023) features a backlight with pulsations. While the frequency of these pulsations is high, the filling coefficient is low. A high frequency generally means less strain on your eyes since it’s less noticeable. However, the low filling coefficient results in flickering due to super short bursts of extremely high brightness levels (above 4000 cd/m2).

          Macbook pro 16''

          Apple MacBook Pro 16 (M3 Pro) display has pulsations. Their frequency is high, but the filling coefficient is very low.

          "Apple MacBook Air (15″, M3)

          display doesn’t flicker at any brightness level. This makes the screen pretty comfortable for long periods of use."



          What is PWM, Why is it Important, and Why Did We Add This Test to Our Reviews?

          Below are the waveforms of 4 displays.

          1️⃣ The first one doesn’t emit pulse-width modulation, which provides the option to work for extended periods of time.
          2️⃣ The second is a classic PWM. Its aggressive pulsations at a low frequency put extra pressure on the eyes and brain.
          3️⃣ The third also emits PWM, but it has an extremely high frequency, which is considered to be less harmful.
          4️⃣ The fourth one doesn’t flicker unless the brightness is <25%, so it is eye-friendly in practically every normal usage mode.

            JTL simply using the recording tool that comes with any XOS (screen recording)

            vladnft So how about ledstrain community on Apple macbook Air 15 m3? There are at least couple of people who said m2 15 Air was terrible, but maybe this M3 one is alright at last ?

              Conclusion: It is usable for me.
              I use Apple Macbook Air 15 m3 for couple months. I did not use M2 Air.
              My setup: dithering off, color calibration and QuickShade.

              M3's IPS display has some software "improvements" that actually make image worse. Hope Apple will make option to turn the following things manageable, I would turn it OFF:
              - On/Off instability in plain colours (especially black text on a white or light background)
              - On/Off F1-F2 flickering (auto gamma)

              - On/Off Gradients not smooth - gradient algo to make Lagom test smooth

              Who can share the app's name or link to this app?
              Searched in Google, didn't find that.

              "There is an app that's available that continuously plays a 120fps one-pixel-wide video in the menu bar, for people who want to force their MB Pro screens to 120hz mode."

              Macbook air m3 - brightness is changing not equal


              Macbook Air M3 15'' IPS built-in display has 16 brightness levels.

              I've noticed that 1-8th each step more visible in terms of brightness change 9-16th less visible brightness change Why? Also I've noticed that The most noticeable interference in plain colors appears while brightness is 4 - 7 level of 16. Seems like some image algorithm turns on at those levels, or works more intensive When brightness level 8-16 then white and plain colors seems more stable and without interference.
              Dithering is OFF. Seems like it another type of interference.
              Comparing to MBP 15'' 2014 - that has brightness change equal in the whole range.



              Also I've noticed that Macbook Air M3 15’’

              During Mac OS Sequoia installation image is stable, without flickering in plain colors. Like it was in Macbook Pro 15’’ 2014. Great… It means that image "improvement" algorithms used by Apple to make image quality worse
