• HardwarePhone
  • iphone 8plus with 2019 JDI screen gives me eye strain

4 days later


Don’t update to 15.8 if you haven’t already. My iPhone 7 was one of the last phones I could use and I carelessly updated to 15.8. Now it gives me symptoms like more modern phones.

    My 6S with 15.8.2 is OK. But some of the 15.x updates were not OK. Its so strange how a minor update can change something like this (and possibly change it back).

    13 days later

    DisplaysShouldNotBeTVs The iOS on the iphone 8plus is 16 and on the iphone 7plus is 15.7. iOS version aside, for iphone 8plus, I believe the screen maker and manufacture year of the screen determine whether the screen can cause eye strain.
