madmozg Is regular DC dimming backlight cause eye strain as well?
Yes because in practice one can still measure flicker (like using very sensitive photodetector) with claimed "flicker free" products and even tiny amounts of flicker can have effects (from amplitude/modulation depth and/or flicker patterns of frequencies).
madmozg How your natural light backlight solution going to help in situations with dithering/pixel inversion ?
It's not going to help in my understanding because those are determined by the monitor electronics like control board and software, gpu, etc. on the source signal side. I measured similar pixel flicker under the microscope in the prototype compared to regular setups. Their is another theory that PWM masks pixel flicker like pixel inversion so if this the case, having truly no flicker backlight might make the dithering/FRC/inversion effects worse but I am just guessing here.
In my limited testing so far, I still get some strain even while using the incandescent light. However, in sunlight, I get less strain but this is to be determined with longer use. For example, a few days ago, I read a two hundred page e-book using sunlight outdoors and did not feel any strain (using intel igpu T480, stock linux mint 21.3). Of course various other factors like fresh air leading to better blood oxygenation to eyes might be at play.