sdkjbfakgljbafkjb Yes, iPhone 14 Pro with Double Invert is like 10-15x more tolerable than the SE 2020, it doesn't cause as many residual effects afterwards aside from blurred vision and sometimes feeling burnt out if I tried to do something "too productive" on it.
(and those effects go away after I stare at a good screen like my working TN panel PC laptop or old VA monitor setups for about 20 minutes.
Note you need an "truly reliable" screen you're confident about, AKA also involving good software/graphics chip/drivers etc., for this kind of "quick recovery" to be possible though)
Doesn't make the whole world distorted like the SE did.
I've found that only IPS (and IPS derivatives like mini-LED) screens aggressively "break my vision" like you described.
I dislike OLED too but have found it's less likely to cause long term effects for me at least if it's if used in moderation.
On the SE 2020 I legit can't read any article without the whole room spinning and I often couldn't process what I'm reading at all.
On 14 Pro + Double Invert, at least for "passive/mindless" tasks like reading articles or browsing social media I can understand the text. Short videos are also OK.
Although, trying to do any sort of more "productive" tasks that require more eye movements (i.e. more complex than just staring at a image/video or smoothly reading text left-to-right), is where the strain and headache starts though — so of course I'm certainly not calling the 14 Pro a "good screen". I still have issues with it of course.
But yeah it's at least getting me by until I find a comfortable phone.
Again, note that mine is on iOS 16.4.1. Also the frame rate is reduced to 60fps in settings. Light mode, no true tone, no night shift.
I also have brightness pretty low which makes me assume my issues with all modern screens are mostly not because of PWM flicker, but rather something else, like image processing.
Flicker does affect me though in lightbulbs, but doesn't seem to be as much of a factor for screens.
This is also likely why the SE 2020 was way worse for me despite "having less PWM than the 14 Pro", because the image looked sooooo messed up to me on the SE, overprocessed and overly smooth, everything had a shadow around it, I couldn't focus on anything.
(By image processing, I'm referring to the mysterious blurry/hazy "fake 3D depth-enhancing effect" that's mentioned many times on this forum, yet seems distinct and likely unrelated to "dithering flicker"… BTW the SE 2020 had the worst instance of that depth effect I've ever seen on a phone — so, no wonder I had so many issues with it.
14 Pro still has a similar effect, but it's noticeably less with Double Invert, actually a bit less than the ones seen on modern IPS screens in general)
BTW since I already have a comfy laptop setup, I've noticed it's a lot less whiplash to move from that good screen to a quick thing I have to do on the 14 Pro. The strain doesn't start immediately but slowly increases. (Whereas the SE 2020 I was dreading even turning it on to look at the time.)