• Other
  • Introducing to patient groups and academic societies

I work on eye and light problems as a company in Japan.

Because it is not considered a medical problem, patients who suffer from this problem are isolated in Japan.

I believe that it is difficult for individuals to solve this problem, and that social measures are needed to clarify the cause through medicine and engineering.

To do this, I think that patients all over the world need to unite and appeal to the public about this problem.

This time, the academic society focused on the effects of differences in light characteristics on the eyes, and I was given the opportunity to give a technical lecture in November.

We also exhibit at events where visually impaired people gather.

At these events, I would like to convey that there are patients all over the world, not just in Japan.

< The 62nd Annual Meeting of The Japanease Neuro-Ophthalmology Society >

Symposium 1: "Neuro-ophthalmology and photophobia"

Title : "Differences in the effects of direct and reflected light on the human eye"


If you would like, I would like to introduce this forum at lectures and patient groups.

Please let me know if there are any other forums where patients with photosensitivity gather.

Thank you for your cooperation.

    Anesthesiologist Title : "Differences in the effects of direct and reflected light on the human eye"

    Great. Interested in a summary of this

    Thank you for introducing this forum.

    I would like to introduce it to ophthalmologists in Japan as well.

    Thank you for introducing this forum.

    I would like to introduce it to ophthalmologists in Japan as well.

    Thank you for your interest in my academic presentation.

    I will provide an outline of my presentation in a few days.

    I have received permission from the ophthalmologists and medical institutions in Japan who deal with the most photosensitive eye problems.

    Although the cause is not fully understood in Japan, these doctors treat eye problems as medical problems, not as mental problems.

    If you have any problems in Japan or need the help of a specialist, you can contact them.

    <Photosensitivity Specialist>

    Honorary Director of Inoue Eye Hospital

    Ophthalmologist: Masato Wakakura


    <Medical institution specializing in photosensitive patients>

    Nogaya Clinic, Eye and Mental Health Consultation Room


      I also asked for permission from patient groups in Japan who suffer from light and display issues to introduce their websites here.

      If I receive permission, I will introduce their websites.

      Anesthesiologist Although the cause is not fully understood in Japan, these doctors treat eye problems as medical problems, not as mental problems.

      If you have any problems in Japan or need the help of a specialist, you can contact them.

      Not sure how many people in Japan are aware of or participate in this forum, but I appreciate you raising awareness and attempting open dialog.
