Long-time poster. I've been trying to catch up by reading every single post I'm behind on, but I'm about 40+ pages behind by now, lol. Perhaps I should turn off that 100% perfectionist tendency I like to have. I'm still having issues, but I've just been in the "live with it" phase for several years now.
I have two co-morbid issues stretching back to at least 2011 to present:
Issue #1: Severe sensitivity to most LED-backlit displays
This one is completely hardware-related and not software-related like many posts here. I can completely mitigate this with work-from-home by using a known good CCFL monitor (Dell U2410)
Issue #2: Severe eyestrain/headaches that build up over time
This is the one I'm currently focusing on. I did vision therapy 10 years ago which may have helped. My eyes will fatigue and lead to a strong eye/head ache after long sessions of reading. My full-time job as a SysAdmin would be punishing to the healthiest of eyes.
It was suggested by an optometrist to try a pair of Plus (+) powered lenses at the computer. It's the same idea as reading glasses for middle-aged folk who have presbyopia (age-related-far-sightedness) setting in. Basically my normal -3.5 spherical prescription would be backed off to -3.0, making distance viewing blurry, but in theory, should have made close work more comfortable.
Instead, the opposite occurred. My eyes ached constantly with these things on, and everything was wavy and I felt like I was in a fishbowl all the time. This always happens with new glasses prescriptions, but most people get used to them in hours/days. Unfortunately, my brain never got used to them, even after giving them a chance for 2 months.
I don't seem to learn my lesson. In late 2015, I purchased a pair of prescription Gunnar Optiks, and the same thing happened: eyes constantly ached behind them, and everything was wavy, curved, and distorted.
I'm just curious if anyone here has ever gotten any success from any plus (+) powered lenses for near work, or if their experience sounded more like mine?