To reduce the flickering, make sure to disable Display Enhancement within each app
Repeat for ***every*** app you use:
Control Center -> E-Ink Center -> the […] button next to Refresh Modes -> Balanced -> Turn "Display Enhancement" OFF
If this is off for a given app, it will ensure the screen is still when you're not interacting with it, instead of subtly flickering when idle to "clean itself up". The compromise is scrolling will now leave a lot more ghosting, you'll need to manually refresh more often.
Anti-flicker, in the same menu, is useful for making the dithering that happens when you're scrolling less annoying. Setting it to 10 is best for most apps. It basically smooths out the transition time of each pixel. Kind of like a backwards version of overdrive on LCDs -- increases the response time by making pixels "fade" instead of "instantly switch".
Unfortunately the current state of e-ink tech basically requires dithering to achieve high FPS, as the "fast" modes are physically limited to only "pure black" and "pure white" pixels. All shades of gray are entirely made out of dithering.
At least, if Display Enhancement is off, this makes the dithering only move while actively interacting. Won't move when you're idle.
The only ways "around" dithering are to only use the HD mode and deal with lag -- or maybe write your own app for Boox that uses no shades of gray at all, for example using a pixelated-style font with no anti-aliasing instead of a normal Android font
Unfortunately no one seems to have written any apps like this yet, as of today, even though IMO it's a really obvious way to improve the e-ink experience. I'm thinking of trying at some point
Personally, Boox Palma is only strain-free for me in direct sunlight. The matte coating they used on the panel is honestly pretty low quality and make the image a lot more "blurry" while indoors, even if you have e.g. incandescent lighting.
The haze only seems to go away in direct sunlight, or directly in front of a window -- it then becomes very sharp/clear/comfortable.
But indoors, all but the most perfect lighting conditions will result in hazy text. I honestly wish Boox just went with a glossy coating instead, I feel like it would have avoided this problem.
The backlight is also pretty subpar, I don't think it's really something like flicker that's the problem here -- but more that the color spectrum of the backlight is very artificial-feeling, e.g. the warm lighting still has a large blue component to it.
With the Display Optimization trick, I've made Palma really nice for me outdoors, so overall the device is worth it for me.
But it's true that the indoor experience is not that great (mostly due to the physical quality of the display, like the fuzzy matte coating)