reaganry I've seen praise here for benq GW2760HS , EW2440L, EW2750ZL , EW2755ZL (degen)
RL2455HM (kray)
XL2720Z (JTL)

  • KM replied to this.

    reaganry I have a BenQ EW2440L. It is usable, but not perfect. It causes symptoms over time. Still better than most monitors, but not perfect. I also have a BenQ EW2740L. Still to my surprise, it's almost perfect. I'm currently watching TV on it and can do it for hours. I've been using it for months now. I bought another EW2740L to find out that it's not as good. It's more like my EW2440L. So BenQ uses different components. The model is sold out almost everywhere.
    I can't really recommend it because it seems to be a lottery. The one that's perfect also looks like it has been opened (bent frame) and refurbished, while the worse one looks brand new. So I can't even say that it's BenQ's achievement that this particular device is great. Maybe the refurbishing process added a better backlight. The monitors certainly have a different color tone. I should note that I couldn't find any flicker on both devices with my oscilloscope.
    But this monitor is the best I ever used and I hope it never dies.

    Edit: There is one obvious difference between the two: The better one turns black (with backlight on) for some seconds when it gets no signal while the "bad" one turns blue. Everything else, including all settings and even panel and firmware information in the hidden service menu, looks the same.

    Edit 2 (3 months later): The option responsible for black vs blue screen is regular menu - System - HDMI Auto Switch - ON/OFF. ON is black and OFF (default) is blue. So this is no hint for a better hardware revision but just a regular setting.

      KM while the "bad" one turns blue

      I think that's due to HDMI shenanigans?

      • KM replied to this.

        JTL Might be normal behavior. At the same time a message is displayed, saying there's no signal. I just mentioned it because it may be a way to detect the better monitor version.

        • JTL replied to this.

          Alright, I rounded up an EW2740L. i'll report back when it arrives. maybe there's a specific kind of replaceable backlight? possibly a whole new panel inside

            reaganry worth noting i have survived several hours now with my old samsung 2443bwx.. which seems to be ccfl backlit

            You might be able to find it on eBay instead of keep shopping for a new one.

            An alternative idea might be to find a DELL 2407 or 2410. Both are OK in my experience.

            Dell U2415 is not perfekt, but more than ok for daily work.

            KM On several BenQ monitors I have it displays the "no signal" message with a blue background only on the HDMI input.

            Might have also done the same with an old ASUS of mine.

            • KM likes this.

            The Dell U2410 has been my savior for a long time now. I use it at both work and home.

            If work has some sort of used equipment sale in the future, I might buy a hoard of them and stash them somewhere!

              MagnuM yep, i had the U2414- worked pretty well at 75hz. dont drop em. it does seem possible to round up dells en masse as offices upgrade. the salvation army computer store in dallas gets them in..

              KM just got my EW2740L.. it has the blue screen.. what are your settings? AMA off? Lowest blue?
              i think you have an nvidia? can you overclock it?

              • KM replied to this.

                Brightness 10
                Contrast 50
                Sharpness 5
                AMA Premium

                Picture Advanced
                Picture Mode Low Blue Light (-70%)
                Overscan Off
                Display Mode Full
                HDMI RGB PC Range RGB(0~255
                Super Resolution Off

                DDC/CI On

                I have an old NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295. It's not meant for gaming, no overclock. Keep in mind Windows 10 later than 1511 has (or may have for some of us) its own cause of eye strain.

                  reaganry a bit of an odd thing the blue (and purple) screens on the 'low blue light' benq . fairly annoying actually.. I wonder how yours got rid of it

                  • JTL and KM replied to this.

                    reaganry You can deactivate the purple "BenQ Logo" screen in the service menu. It comes up when you turn on the monitor by holding down both the third button from the right and the power button until the screen turns on. Then release the buttons and press any of them (excluding power) to open the service menu. It's not dangerous unlike on other monitors.

                      4 days later

                      reaganry hilarious. but been there. such a horrible feeling. trying to adjust and destroy these fragile objects we've come to know as hazardous tools. next time just throw it. be more fun and hopefully not yours. just kidding. hope all worked out okay

                        7 days later

                        Wrightpt1 you should have seen me disabling all the leds on my new novation circuit a few weeks ago
