jasonpicard Im happy to hear that! Did you try the breathing of wim hof method as well? It works well with cold and also great on anxiety and depression, which might be case of a lot of people due to our problems with tech. I am researching desensitization a lot now, as I think i wont be able to control all the tech thats gonna be around me.
I went to a physiotherapist. She found out that when I stretch my sternocleidomastoid muscle as much as I can and turn my eyes a certain way, it produces similar migraine like pain. I even had this migraine for an hour after the treatment. I try stretching it all the time and it seems to do something, but not enough yet. It definately takes a lot of the pressure away before or even during a migraine.
I am also not sure whether I want to call this problem migraine. I am not sure, but I think once migraine is triggered, it doesnt go away for at least 4 hours. My problem however is that the longer I spent on problematic devices, the longer the pain lasts after. If I do 10 minutes on new iphone, the pain will fade in another 30 mins or so. If I do an hour or more, well, you know how that goes yourself.
Tension headaches however fall under a certain kind of migraine, so maybe its a better name.
Sternocleidomastoid is also a muscle that is brutally neglected and shortened in people who use computers a lot.
I think our condition must be tretable, as some people already reported complete healing with orthoptic visual therapy. Also when all common medical tests and MRI show 100% health, all that makes sense then is physiotherapy and alternative medicine anyway.