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reaganry check this out


I bought his books of exercises but I left them overseas :-(
I will see later / on the weekend if there are other videos on youtube.

I have only a very minor astigmatism on the left eye and I do not wear spectacles. However, there were about 20 people with me at the training and some had really thick-thick glasses and poor sight. Sessions were on Saturday and Sunday. Well, I can tell you that, as Leo anticipated on Saturday morning, some guys had to go to the next drugstore to buy lower grade glasses on the same day because they could not tolerate theirs anymore. This was after a few exercises. I am a scientist and a quite skeptic person. I need to see and measure to believe. Unless everyone was faking, that showed me that muscles around eyes are fundamental. Since 2010 apart from a short break I have been only using laptops. I am in an unpleasant position the whole day and my eyes are always focusing on a little display a few cm from me. The exercises do not eliminate the cause of my eyestrain but certainly produce relief. Now, to be honest I have not been doing them for long cause I am a bit depressed at not finding a way out with all these electronics, but I want to restart. I wonder whether we can sort of train ourselves to tolerate flicker, dithering or whatever it is that bothers us...

AGI wow, this is so interesting. i was recently noticing it was more difficult to look in certain directions than others. i also have been watching these emdr videos where you follow a bouncing ball left and right with your eyes..

  • AGI replied to this.

    reaganry yeah, Mate, exercises may not cancel out flicker but are very helpful. Not surprising though. Think of being immobilized for months. Do you expect to get out of bed and run a marathon? My eyes are stuck on a laptop display or on a phone the whole day. Not very healthy.

    I hope to find videos but besides the Tibetan wheel I use a pen, focus on its tip and move it away from my nose and towards my nose, rhythmically and slowly. Controlling breathing is also important. The first days I would see the pen tip blurry and feel discomfort when the pen was still quite far from my nose on its way back. Then I could get it closer and closer (it does not have to get past the focal point in any case).
    You can also move the pen left and right, top and bottom, or draw circles clockwise and anti-clockwise, and follow with your eyes without moving your head.

    But the one that I struggled with the most at the start was the exercise with two pens. You hold them one behind the other. When you focus on the first you must see the farther pen double. Hold your focus for a bit. Then switch focus to the second pen. You must now see the first pen double. Do that back and forth. My little astigmatic left eye is also a bit lazy, and at the beginning I had problems seeing the pens double.
    Once you have trained a bit, you can also do three objects. You hold two pens and you use something like a candle on a desk as third object in the distance, so you switch between three objects. When you look at the farthest away item, you will see the first two pens double. For me it works best if the environment is "clean", like white walls, no clutter, not too much light, nothing that distracts you but the two pens or the three objects. It is quite weary the first times and this is the proof of how little trained my eyes are.

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      • AGI replied to this.

        So I've been skeptical about exercises. I don't really feel eye flutter or strain in one direction more than another... but I will tell you that this morning just on principle I tried the "pen moving in and out" and when it reaches a point at arm's length I can literally feel my muscles tightening and straining in much the same way as when I get eyestrain.

        I believe there must be benefit to this. I'm going to investigate further. I can't say whether it will help this flicker/light issue, but anything that makes my eyes stronger/healthier is a good thing!

        6 days later

        I have found a good optometrist, who is also a researcher and interested in obscure problems. He diagnosed me with divergence insufficiency and accomodation issues. Crafted glasses for me and when I had them I never felt more relief in my vision before.
        The issue is that I am constantly straining my eye muscles to keep my eyes straight, but that often fails and I see double image. His theory is that the new displays, PWM, temporal dithering and other stressor are just the last drop for my already strained eyes and a migraine starts. Its possible that when the eyes are relaxed, the extra stressors like temporal dithering wont cause them too much trouble.
        I have tested the glasses with one iphone 6s plus that was causing me huge issues and it seemed like a normal display. I have only tested 30 minutes, so it is possible this is not the cure and its not related. However its a progress. I dont have the glasses yet as I need to go to another session. He will also tell me exercises I can do. And its already been reported that one person solved this issue by solving their convergence trouble.
        He is willing to work with me more if this does not help. He has the same issue, although not as painful as me. Special glasses solved it.
        If you have divergence insufficiency and you do exercises for convergence problems, it will obviously not help your issue.

        I recommend for you to find someone who knows how to measure convergence and accomodation and who measures each eye separately and also how they work together. I am copying this to the health thread too.

          martin Good luck. Tell me more about these glasses and their properties.

            AGI Being stoned, a bit sleepy perhaps. 😛

            Hasn't solved the issue completely, but my visions still recovering after over a year.

              JTL AGI Can confirm. Cannabis does indeed cause you to become high. 😂 😂 😂

              In all seriousness, the effect of cannabis on pain is biphasic, where low doses decrease pain while doses that are too high cause hyperalgesia. For me relief occurs on the level of a very mild buzz.

              Since a lot of people wonder about THC and CBD these days, I'll say that my MMJ doctor told me she sees best results with products that have a 1:1 ratio, and that some THC is required to get max benefit for neuropathic pain. Currently I'm vaping 5%/5% dried flower. For reference a recreational user would want 20+%/0%. Still some medical users swear by high % THC and I don't want to discount their experiences, but that level actually caused side effects for me (nausea, another biphasic effect of cannabis).

              I'm always trying to push the dose makes the medicine when it comes to cannabis.

              Massachusetts is a fully recreational state now, the first licenses for dispensaries will be handed out within a month. This summer I plan - as time permits - to experiment with various tinctures. My strong suspicion is that my THC/CBD ratio target is very low. Like 1/10. Or even 1/20. But I could be wrong.

              AGI AGI Question: Any side effects?
              JTL Answer: Being stoned.

              LOL! This exchange made me laugh so hard! Haha!

                AGI feeling changes after only a few days with the wheel/circles! have to try the switching one now.

                  JTL I do not have them yet. They should fix all accomodation and also divergence issues I have, as well as shortsightedness, which I know is not the cause of this problem, but the former two were already proven to be connected before.
                  It is possible that the dithering requires your eyes to reaccomodate the eyes all the time due to the display flicker (temporal dithering being part of it). If the accomodation is weak, it could cause eye strain -> migraine.
                  I will see when I test it properly. However before the iphone gave me immediate issues, with the glasses on after 30 minutes it seemed fine.
                  There is still a chance that nonetheless I am still sensitive to PWM flicker, but that could be more easily avoided now.

                  reaganry Could you specify the exercises, a link to them with description? I cannot find it anywhere.
