hpst That's exactly my thoughts! I tried to convince myself that it is all in my head and this can't be true, but after doing the tests of these same models and getting terrible migraines again and again, I had no choice but accept this as truth.
jasonpicard Thanks, that makes a lot of sense! Actually my life naturally shifted towards this. Most of the lights in my flat are halogens. I stacked ~ 1000 of them to have enough until (if ever) I solve this issue. I had to change my work style - I work from home and go to meetings only if necessary. I accept meetings only on bright days and when lights are not necessary. If they have lights turned on - I politely ask to turn them off. Never had any problem with my clients. Of course I do not work as project manager too much anymore. I am more like consultant, business developer, partner, etc. Most of the work can be done via phone. That is also strange. I got all these business offers only when my health went downhill and this problem became major obstacle. So maybe this is all for the better...