ryans I dont know syntonics. If my therapy is finished and the trouble not fully gone, Ill give it a try too. I dont know whats your exact diagnosis, but dont expect results below two months. Even then it might take a few days to get used to some device.
MagnuM Its like any exercise, its muscles after all. I do 6 days on, 1 day off. If its too painfu I take extra day off in the middle of the week, but mostly I have step by step progressively harder exercises, so I dont overdo it and take it slow, allowing me to progress continually. When I did overdo it, I lost ability to focus at close distance completely for a day, couldnt even read books without pain. That was scary but went away when rested. Muscles grow when you rest, but of course the growth in rest period is given by the stimulation in exercise period.
Harrison You should also have a progress track, I write every day results and time into a google sheet table shared with the optometrist. There I can see if, how and in which directions I progress. Also if Im stuck we change some exercises to help bump the system in different ways.