ryans Likely, although it's very brief. The last time it happened was about 10 minutes ago while reading an email. For a split second, we're talking half a second or even a quarter of a second, it felt like my vision shifted while reading a line in the email. It almost felt as if my eyeballs spasmed to the corner or something for a brief moment, but what I think happened instead is my brain "shut off" the vision from one eye very briefly before recalibrating it and turning it back on again.
I don't have strabismus or amblyopia and have never had anyone point out that my eyes don't line up properly, but when doing vision therapy back in 2013, my vision therapist did suggest that my eyes seem to work pretty hard to maintain fusion when reading. Could a hard to detect flicker be making it harder than it should be? I'm not sure. I should really do more testing again reading print long term to rule out flickering and backlights and what not to see if the symptoms are the same as doing a lot of reading on a phone or computer screen.