for amdgpu driver, access to the dither property via xrandr has been removed in kernels newer than 4.13.xx, but ukuu (https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/02/ukuu-easy-way-to-install-mainline-kernel-ubuntu) makes it easy to run mutiple kernels. I have stopped looking into this very much because the combo of e-ink and xrandr have fixed the problem for me. for people new to linux they should be aware also that the dither property may be something slightly different on different cards like dithering instead of dither. this can be found by using xrandr --prop. also the dither property must be set for each display
(step 1 find your kernel)
uname -r
(if the kernel is newer than 4.13.xx then get the older version)
(step 2 find your driver)
sudo lshw -c video
(step 3 find your dither property name)
xrandr --prop
(get the name of the dithering property from output as well as the name of the displays like (DP-1 etc)
sudo xrandr --output HDMI-1 --set "dither" "off"
sudo xrandr --output DVI-D-1 --set "dither" "off"
sudo xrandr --output DP-1 --set "dither" "off"