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Gurm Exactly!! I am not a fan of anibiotics unless absolutely necessary. I haven't taken them for years. The first day I was in the hospital they wanted to start antibiotics and I refused. That night the nurse came in and said I was positive for mycoplasma pneumonia, only then did I agree to take them. I had the Levaquin and some other antibiotic in an IV for two days, and was sent home with the script for Levaquin and Tamiflu. I was released from the hospital on Sunday, took one Levaquin tablet Monday morning and that was the last one I took. I actually read that antibiotics aren't necessary for mycoplasma and that it clears itself up. I wasn't thinking clearly at all in the hospital, they were giving me dilaudid for a massive headache, and back pain following the spinal tap. And I've always felt that antibiotics mess with my head as well.
I have no idea why he prescribed something so strong. The hospital was really gross with old equipment and when he came in the second day, didn't even know I had tested positive for the mycoplasma or that they'd started antibiotics. He hadn't even read the chart! I really have no primary care dr. I go to this awful clinic to get referrals. I'm supposed to be following up with a cardiologist because the whole reason they wanted to admit me was because of the abnormal EKG's. They aren't sure what it means- one dr said it looks like an EKG of someone who has had congestive heart failure. Great. Never had any issues with my heart before other than tachycardia, which is genetic. So now getting into the clinic to get a referral to a cardiologist, waiting for the referral and waiting for an opening- well the process could take weeks if not months.
I'm continuing to take the Tamiflu but yes... so done with Levaquin and the horrible side effects. I've taken probiotics for years, (I cycle refrigerated Ultimate Flora, Garden of Life & Natren) so I'm trying to repopulate all the good bacteria that was killed off now by megadosing probiotics.
I feel better than I did, but not like myself. And it's been raining here which I usually love, but it's just adding to the depression. I'm so upset about missing so much work (there's only a few weeks until the show wraps and I was only able to work one day then this happened), and just going for a walk would be nice, but cold and rainy weather isn't conducive to getting well. These are times I wish I could snuggle up in front of the tv and watch a good movie.
Thanks so much for your concern. I think I'm probably annoying you guys complaining about these other, new health problems when I know the board is supposed to be about eye strain. I've just really grown to look forward to reading responses on here, and this just happened and has really been physically and mentally challenging for me, on top of already being stressed over the 3 year mark of this brain/eye problem. So Gurm, I really appreciate you taking the time to respond about the antibiotics. <3 Everyone here has been so helpful, you're all extremely smart and I wish we could all get together and talk about stuff. The past 3 years have been so frustrating, and it means more than I can put into words that I found you guys.