I use Office 365 at work, it's fine with the hardware I have there. Surprising that 2013 was fine for you because that version forced greyscale AA. As an experiment, I would suggest turning off AA entirely in the control panel and seeing how it is after. Two places to search in the control panel, one is "Adjust Cleartype Text", uncheck the box. the other is "Adjust the appearance and performance of Windows" and ensure that 'Smooth edges of screen fonts' is unchecked. Reboot and see how it is.
Don't forget that you are also able to change the fonts used by Outlook, etc. in the view settings, in two spots.. "Other Settings" where you can set stuff to say, 9 pt Tahoma, and "Conditional Formatting" where you can set a font for read, unread, etc. perhaps 11 pt Verdana.