• OSWindows
  • Trouble with Windows 10, any solutions?

Gurm I am really sad to be honest. I've always thought that was an hardware problem in my case (light emitted / pannel types) but now it's also a software problem. it's getting too complicated 🙁

  • diop replied to this.

    Lauda89 There definately are things in hardware to watch out for but thankfully these issues are now in the public eye, that's why we can buy PWM-free/low blue light displays.

    In my own situation there have been so many 'upgrades' that have bricked my usuable devices into unusable, or certainly more uncomfortable than before.

    I would say that it's not getting too complicated, if anything taking hardware out of the equation simplifies things. It also means that a software fix would solve our problems overnight. Therein lies the frustration, it can probably all be fixed with a few lines of code, but it is a walled garden.

      diop I am not optimistic as you are 🙂 I mean, I found to be affected by this problem 2/3 years ago when i tried to change my old CCFL PC monitor and i had to buy 5 monitor before I found one that didn't hurt my eyes: Alienware AW2518H 240 hz TN pannel 1080P.
      But now also with that monitor i have problems with the latest windows upgrade. Maybe also the other monitor wasn't a problem itself but just a bad combination HW / SW ?!

      I am also not really happy that there is a software factor to our problem because you can not always fix the software. With MACOS we can't do anything, with cars display too. It is often not easy to go back with the updates of TVs, smartphone etc ...

        Lauda89 Maybe we will see some progress with Linux (there is still a bug filed on Ubuntu launchpad) but who knows how long that will take to get attention.

        If it was just PC's I had problems with, then maybe I could have worked around it by using Smartphones and buying a games console. In my case the symptoms occur on pretty much all avenues of new tech. I can't watch videos on a Samsung Smart TV due to the effects (I suspect dithering), I can't use a Nintendo Switch for more than 10 minutes on the System Menu (I suspect dithering) and even buying a brand new Windows PC earlier this year caused immediate issues on my good monitor. I used to be able to watch Netflix/browse on my iPhone 4/5/6 for long hours like on my PC. In the last few years I can't even do that. Please be reassured that others here are facing the same issues. We don't want to stop using technology but we can't upgrade - it's a catch 22. This isn't even taking into account the fact that for many in the western world using a computer is a means to earn a living. So this issue affects our job prospects, our accessibility to others around us (social media) and our health (headaches/dizziness).

        If I don't see any progress in the next year I am going to consider a class action lawsuit or at least find out where I stand legally. I'm still staying optimistic as my gut tells me this is a quick fix and not something mysterious. The effects had to be created therefore they can be removed.

          diop I am sorry for you 🙁 at least i can use the iphone X, OLED TV and PS4 without any problems. Right now my main problem is the notebook that i use everydays for work! I want to try an OLED notebook next year!

          P.S. The thing that scares me most are the car displays. I can't buy and return the cars like i can usaly do with the tech stuff !

            Lauda89 I agree, in some cars displays are terrible even for people without the level of sensitivity people in this forum show. A colleague of mine leased Skoda Karoq and at night the car displays are really bright even when reducing brightness. At the car service the technicians applied some kind of tint to all main displays because my colleague complaint about it.

            Personally i can tolerate car displays that can be reduced to almost no light. I am thinking to lease a Nissan Qashqai which seemed OK for me when i did a test drive. The lights can be reduced to a very low level via specific buttons.

            Will be interesting to see where car displays end up in the era of laws against distracted driving (electronic devices). Apparently Mazda removed the tablet from their new models. Not sure if they just inset it lower or if it's actually gone. I hated that thing. My stepfather has a Mazda and while the tablet doesn't flicker, he is one of those old people who drives at night with it at full daylight brightness and gets upset if you dim it or turn it off. The tablet was also completely useless. Wasn't android or iOS. No apps. No gps. Couldn't do a thing except look at the tailgate camera or change the radio station.

            Lauda89 Someone else have found some problems with the last upgrade?

            I've observed a definite reduction in comfort levels with something post 1909. But I've not been able to pin down just what it was.

            I'm still in the midst of trying older versions of Windows 10. And such a reinstall of everything will take weeks to complete if/when I finally pull the trigger on a downgrade of versions.

            • Gurm replied to this.
              16 days later

              Lauda89 Would you mind telling the monitors you tried before that? Any 144 Hz panels you tried but didn't work?

                degen Yea, I tried the Benq XL2411P but it wasn't ok for me. Anyway, I think it's not just a monitor problem but a combination of display, OS and GPU drivers. Because now I have some problems also with my Alienware 240hz display.. next week I will do a clean install of Windows 1709 and I will see if my problem will be fixed.

                This is the list of the monitor I tried two years ago:

                BenQ V2400W: It was my first full HD monitor and i think it's a CCFL monitor. I bought it over 10 years ago. No issue with it, I want to try to use it with my actual setup and windows 10 1909 and see if it's still ok or not. Next week I'll try it.
                LG 27UD68 4K 27" IPS LED. With this monitor, I had the first symptoms. Redness in the eyes, headache, etc.
                AOC I2481FXH FULL HD 24" IPS LED. Same symptoms.
                Asus MG248Q FULL HD 24" TN 144hz. It was ok but I didn't like the monitor itself. Really bad colors.

                AgentX20 uh... 1909 is the latest version. Do you mean post-1809? Or post-1903?

                  Gurm 1909, for some reason my windows 10 went "bad" a few weeks before Xmas, a bit after I'd upgraded to 1909. I tried all sorts of things to no vail, but strangely things are OK again. I've not been able to put my finger on what changed before or after.

                  I wasn't imagining the change... (shrug).

                  6 days later

                  I have some problems with consoles but after reading this post im afraid of W10 now.. I use W7 with ryzen 1700/gtx1070 (old drivers from CD) and everything is fine. I guess same as on consoles something bad happend with upodates when HDR come out same is on Windows 10 as I read here...
                  So I guess the solution is to buy parts which are compatible with W7 and still available and secure yourself for next 10-20 years 🙂
                  Would be risky to use W10 if an update (wchich are mandatory and automatic) can kill my eyes same as on console which I could use for years but now cant for 1 hour... All this sux guys, best to all of you!

                  • diop replied to this.

                    Luki99 So I guess the solution is to buy parts which are compatible with W7 and still available and secure yourself for next 10-20 years

                    I doubt scarcity of parts will ever be a problem. I could go on eBay now and source parts for a 90's Pentium MMX build and it wouldn't cost too much. People are practically giving that old tech away, it's also proven to last for many years. If USB/SATA get replaced in the next decade, there will always be converter kits and such available.

                    All the software we use right now will still be practical and usable in 10/20+ years, but there are always paradigm shifts (didn't the industry experts claim the mouse+keyboard would be dead by now?) and it would be the equivalent of using an old-fashioned typewriter today. Still, it's hipster chic 🙂.

                      diop Yes, used parts of course. But if you would like to have NEW parts then for example it's now the time to buy last partions of motherboards which have W7 support(I mean drivers oficially on manufacturer website) etc. Everyting will eventually die it's electronic...

                      • diop replied to this.

                        Luki99 Yeah people should grab site dumps of Intel/Nvidia and OEM's now as drivers do disappear from the web (from official sources at least).

                        Technically W7 support dropped since Skylake so since the launch of W10 AFAIK all hardware >2015 won't natively run W7.

                        I am considering jumping onto 8.1, however reading the blurb on the final W7 updates mentions something along the lines of "upgrades to security of compositor"... hmmm.

                        I have a backup motherboard same as I use and all the drivers. Thinking of getting some another ryzen+mobo+graphics card to be able to make another one or two machines. Would be a new experience to build another PC in the future of BRAND NEW hardware but from -8-10 years old 😃
                        You still can buy mobo for ryzen first gen and skylake+procesors/RAM (thats all u need cause other parts can be newer like power supply etc) brand new and the drivers are still on manufactuer site.

                        As for native support you are right but after you complete the instalation issues+drivers the only thing u arent oficially getting is W7 updates which I totally accept. I live like that third year now and no need those updates ofc u need to use PC and internet with brain or dualboot and use linux for internet and W7 machine for your games/programs/stuff.

                        I remembered now that back then here I had my 4k panasonic which was super bad and made my eyes bloody after just 20min with ps4 I tried back then connecting my son's PC with W10 (dont remember which update it was) and the desktop was so bright it strained my eyes fast. After I have bought other TV (SONY) and still same with PS4 - headaches but plugged in my PC with W7 and I'm fine.

                        There are options althrought it sux being affected by those drivers/screen stuff like most people arent.

                        a year later


                        Wow! For years I have felt like the text on some screens would dance. That was the best way I could describe it. Maybe its the subpixel rendering getting to me. You posted this quite a while ago. Have you learned more since? Is there a fix for it? Do you know whether some iPhones do this, too? Thanks!

                        20 days later

                        I have already brought up some of my troubles with Windows 10 elsewhere, but this place sounds more suitable for a thorough discussion.

                        I have been using an HP ZBook Firefly 15 G7 Mobile Workstation for about a week, and I am struggling with the high brightness and the intense white background. The OS is Windows 10 Pro, version 10.0.18363 Build 18363. Please let me know if sharing other specs is of help.

                        I read many complaints about Windows 10's extreme brightness on answers.microsoft.com and other websites.

                        Here is a list of a few things I checked upon.

                        • The display is nominally PWM-free at all brightness levels.

                        • Blue filter-glasses are of moderate help, but do not solve the problem.

                        • I find some comfort using High Contrast # 2 among the High Contrast settings and red-green (red weak, protanopia) as colour filter. I tested this at night only, and it appears a solution only for reading text. The laptop tends to suffer and activates the fan when I use these settings.

                        • I removed the automatic adjustment of the brightness, which clearly was not working well.

                        • I have been testing Iris for a day, but making the screen more orange has not led to any major improvement. I have not tried their anti-aliasing font type yet, but that is not strictly related to colours and brightness. Actually, the text looks decent to me. It is only poorly contrasted to the background, which does not look even. I can perceive some glowing. Dithering? What is the final verdict on the famous dither.exe program? Can someone please update? Is it worth a shot?

                        • As already reported multiple times in the past, more than once I was able to convert an unusable device into super-smooth on my eyes by lowering the screen resolution from native. I did a quick test reducing the resolution from 3840 x 2160 (250% scaling) to 1920 x 1080 (125% scaling), maintaining the same aspect ratio, but I was not impressed. Perhaps I need to try for a longer time.

                        • When I close the laptop lid and I re-open it, the brightness goes to the maximum value and stays so until I hit one of the brightness keys. It happens all the time. I wonder if updating the OS and the driver via HP Assistant could be a good move, given that I have not been on Windows for 3 years and I do not have a "good" setup to refer to anyhow.

                        I forgot to mention my symptoms, which are pretty weird. I used the laptop for 3 hours on the first day at night. I got the wildest eye twitching ever. Other muscles quickly began twitching as well, such as between my arms and shoulders and my oblique abs / low back. Neck pain started immediately in correspondence to the cervical spine. Within a few hours, the inflammation had spread to my all body. Since my second day, I have mostly had sore and inflamed arms and neck. I never had issues with my arms before! The most puzzling thing is that, besides the eyelid and facial muscle twitching, my eyes are not that bad. I can move them around quite freely, and I feel instantaneously better if I stop using the laptop, or I read on an old Kindle. This is in stark contrast to what I experienced less than a month ago, when I was completely knocked down for a week by just looking at a car display for 30 minutes or playing with a Microsoft Surface Laptop 3 15 inch (13.5 inch was okay).
                        I forgot to mention that, after day 1, I have been using the laptop 10-14 hours a day. Maybe too much for a start. Symptoms have sort of stabilised after day 1, but I do not know what to await for the future. I am not positive about all the twitching that is going on. My body is clearly not enjoying and is sending out messages.

                        I appreciate any advice. Thanks.
