Hi, I'm Shin.
I have used MacBook air 2010 for almost 10 years, which has been really good with no eyestrain at all.
I bought MacBook pro-2018 a few months ago and encountered serious eyestrain, headaches, and dizziness.
It was so weird that even though the screen was really bright and sharp, I felt that I cannot focus well on the screen it was like seeing a screen with wrong glasses. Few days later, after seeing the screen for just a few seconds, I could feel the strain in my eyes right away and headache began. More severe problem was that the symptom lasted a few days after even though I wasn't looking at the laptop screen. It was so frustrating. I have changed the resolution, fonts, applied anti-glare films, changed the brightness of the screen to low to highest (PWM issue?) nothing helped. However, an interesting thing was when I used Windows 10 with Bootcamp, my eyes were fine. When I turned on windows 10 with parallels, also my eyes were fine. Only on MacOS, I had the problem. When I plugged into the external monitor. It was better but still, there was eyestrain. I think it's not the problem of laptop LED itself, but the way MAC OS (Mohave) projects images or fonts on the screen.

I discussed it with my family and friends, but the responses were "You're being too sensitive". However, the symptoms are real. I didn't sell or changed my Macbook pro, but using as a windows machine. However, I wonder if there's anyone has a similar issue. Maybe downgrading Mohave to other OSX version might help?

    LuckyFace MacBook pro-2018 a few months ago and encountered serious eyestrain, headaches, and dizziness.

    Yeah, same for me. Think the 2018 version with Mojave was one of the worst I have tried unfortunately.

    Glad to hear that you could use it with Windows 10. That did not work for me either.

    There are several threads about OSX and MBPs (also 2018 version) on this forum that might be of interest for you.

    LuckyFace I wonder if there's anyone has a similar issue.

    Yes, you are not the only one. I have not updated to Mojave right because of what you describe, but I have had similar issues with other electronic devices / OSs.
    Same unbelievable symptoms, like, from being able to use the device 15 h a day to not handle it for few seconds after an update. And pain for days.
    Many of us have similar problems, sadly.

      LuckyFace I discussed it with my family and friends, but the responses were "You're being too sensitive".

      I'm trying to gain employment right now but I have had similar responses from family saying just "suck it up" and if it gives me headaches to "just take something for it". What, every friggin' day? 🙂

      AGI Same unbelievable symptoms, like, from being able to use the device 15 h a day to not handle it for few seconds after an update. And pain for days.

      I know right? It's infuriating.. I'm on my good setup at home and use it for everything, media, creative work and close up reading for upwards of 12hrs a day and I'm absolutely fine. A driver update (which I've tried) or a W10 install on the same machine creates discomfort. This PC is not going to last forever unfortunately so I need to think about upgrading soon. Regardless, this doesn't change the fact that I don't exactly feel encouraged to work in an office if I can't even find a computer made after 2010 that will work for me.

      I also had an iMac and it was the best computer I've ever owned, but the eyestrain/headaches meant it had to go 🙁.

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        diop I also had an iMac and it was the best computer I've ever owned, but the eyestrain/headaches meant it had to go 🙁.

        I remember your post. I am using the same model of iMac, and it is really harsh. Unfortunately I can't get rid of it because that is what I was given at work. I try to use the MacBook Air as much as I can...

        diop I don't exactly feel encouraged to work in an office

        Yep, on the one hand I want to move on as quickly as possible, run away from current lighting and Macs - this is not life - but on the other hand...thinking of what could come in the next working place freaks me out. It can be worse, there is no limit to how bad it can get, that is my experience. We need to understand what is what, or the future is scary.

        I can stand my macbook pro 2017 one hour max.
        And keep following this forum to figure out where's the problem.

        It's not PWM:
        100% of brightness does not solve the issue.

        It's not the blue light:
        Working under the bright sun outdoor or blocking blue light via apps or glasses does not help.

        Font smoothing is turned off,
        matte screen protector is applied,
        resolution and bit depth are lovered by SwitchResX,
        touchbar is off and taped,
        keyboard backlit is off.

        Intel/Radeon switch changes nothing.
        Color profiles change nothing.
        Sierra, high sierra, mojave change nothing.

        What is left?

        When connected to external Dell U2716D (USB-C to mini DP dongle) — all symptoms are gone.
        With windows laptops I have some strain, but different kind and not as bad.
        With old computers of any kind have no problems at all.

          poliakov When connected to external Dell U2716D — all symptoms are gone.

          Very interesting. I would like to hear what the knowledgeable people on this forum think about this, especially in light of the recent discussion on VGA versus HDMI cable...

            4 days later

            So I can add that I have a Dell XPS 2016 (GTX 960M fullHD) which I can tolerate 2-4 hours a day, but, connected to the same monitor (HDMI) gives me an eye strain immediately

              16 days later

              poliakov I have been getting strain for all windows 10 computers recently but will be switching to a Mac pro 2018 soon for work. I haven't used a mac in almost 10 years other than looking at a friends for a few minutes so I'm not sure how bad the strain will be compared to 10. What USB-C to mini DP dongle did you get?

              I have 2 Asus VS248H-P monitors which work fine with my old windows 7 laptop (i7 4810MQ/Radeon HD8790M). When I connect a windows 10 laptop (i7 6820HQ/NVIDIA Quadro M620) or one of my desktop (tried every possible combo with i7 7700k/ryzen 5/ ryzen 7/Radeon HD7850/GTX 1060) all give me eye strain. I've tried connecting them with HDMI and DVI but no difference. The only thing that reduced strain on the windows 10 laptop (i7 6820HQ/NVIDIA Quadro M620) was skipping the dock and plugging it in with vga. This definitely helped.

              poliakov not sure if I found the correct Mac book Pro you are using but the GTG is brutal. 33ms for black to white changes and 48ms gtg. This causes images to appear blurry more processing for the eyes and brain. The Dell monitor you mentioned had a 6ms GTG. I believe different wires do help as I have posted on different spots over this forum the differences between hdmi 2.0 and 2.1 are crazy. I don't believe your problem is blue light but blue light apps don't help block blue light on LED screens. A black pixel on LED can never be filtered with software. Better off to get a Flicker free monitor and turn the brightness down to get less blue light. Laptops in general tend to be pretty terrible for response times. Probably some of the new 2019 ones are pretty good but probably still not as good as a good monitor. Good luck.

              2 months later

              Has anyone tried the new macbook pro 15 2019?

              3 months later

              I just got a 2019 MBP 15" and I'm experiencing eye strain. My previous was a 2010 MBP also 15" and it took some time to get used to, but the new one is painful. When I make it brighter it hurts, and when I dim it, the black isn't black enough and the background white is not quite white. It's like there isn't enough contrast and depth in the screen. I don't know what to do. I saw there are apps you can download and some suggested to use Windows instead of Mac iOS. Gonna try. If anyone has other ideas please do share.....

                6 months later