Hi there,
I suffer from severe headaches and migraines caused by temporal dithering. Currently I'm using desktop PCs running Windows 7 with Nvidia graphics cards in them (GTX560 & GT610) with little to no issues compared to other setups.
I'd love to be able to use my Macbook again but since OSX has temporal dithering enabled for all cards by default I just can't - more than 15 mins of use and I start to develop intense symptoms. It is possible to disable temporal dithering in OSX using a kernel extension, and I recently came across a forum post with some great info:
These guys seem to have modified a kernel extension called NVInject which disables temporal dithering on both the internal and external monitors in OSX. One user has modified it for 64-bit Kernel which is what everyone here will be using I reckon. This is only for Nvidia cards but apparently works nicely for external monitors particularly. I'm yet to test it but have packaged 2 versions of the extension plus the utility for installing. One version is to disable dithering on external monitors only and one is for both internal and external monitors, available here:
I am unable to test currently but if some members who are experienced with kernel extensions could take a look it would be great. Of course, experience with this kind of thing is necessary before playing around!