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Seagull is your lighting situation at home different?
@AgentX20 I would ask you the same question. I could not believe how much difference the lighting makes until I took my device home from work. At home I am okay except for the long-term damage from office work. In the office I cannot concentrate, I get eyestrain and neck pain within minutes, and I need to keep taking breaks and look elsewhere. It feels like gasping for air. I suspect it is a combined effect of fluorescent and LED light coming straight from the lamps into my eyes and offensive light reflected by the glossy screen. The visual experience looking at the screen is very different in the office and at home. It is like two different displays.
AgentX20 So I'm at a loss...
I experienced the same. Months into my new job under the overhead lighting I described above, my phone started looking bad. Earlier I could use it as long as I wanted. I blamed an auto update but now I am not sure anymore. I think my eyes accumulated so much stress from trying to cope with the new lighting, that at a certain point I developed some undiagnosed condition. I say undiagnosed because I visited multiple ophthalmologists, an orthoptist and a neurologist. I had even a brain NMR taken. No one found a worsening of my eyesight. They could only witness eye twitching, which has become an inseparable companion under those lights. This to say, it does not mean that your prescription needs an update. It could be else which goes unnoticed by doctors. I do not know how to call my symptoms, I just know I am "allergic" to certain lighting conditions which are fine for most people.