I can confirm, that the majority of problems began to arise somewhere around 2016-2017.
This includes (for me) all kinds of products with displays and even some software, like some games.
Yesterday i tried again World of Warcraft out of curiosity and after an hour already felt the discomfort. Today my eyes are still having this kinda focus-problem and probably tomorrow it will be gone again, as always before.
I'm not happy... Again...

14 days later

JTL As for this, my closest working theory is either a system BIOS or VBIOS (GPU firmware) update may have been installed by an OS upgrade that borked something

This matches my own thoughts... I have gone looking for BIOS updates for this Macbook Pro (late 2013) version and there aren't any public updates for many many years, which sort of dampens this theory.

  • JTL replied to this.

    JTL They're included in the OS updates, and can be unlisted.

    Yeah, which is why I went looking for OS updates that might have sneaked something in, and I couldn't see anything that corresponded to the onset of problems.

    • JTL replied to this.


      AgentX20 Yeah, which is why I went looking for OS updates that might have sneaked something in, and I couldn't see anything that corresponded to the onset of problems.

      That's not an easy thing to do without actually taking apart the update files.

      Even the update changelogs or Apples support site won't always list the firmware updates.

      10 months later

      AgentX20 hey did you find a solution to this? literally just happened with me and my 2017 Macbook Air...

        devilgrove hey did you find a solution to this? literally just happened with me and my 2017 Macbook Air...

        I'm now running a fairly clean Mojave install and it's A-OK (for me). [touch wood]

          poliakov I dont want to get ahead of myself, but I must say you might be onto something with the switchresx and the fact that it has to be exactly half of native resolution (and set to the non HDPI option in that resolution).

          I will test this with the most difficult task for my eyes on new tech - writing and reading, and report here if that is successful. The enlarged and visible pixels definately help with eye fixation.

          If its annoying and uncomfortable but doesnt trigger a bad headache like the normal resolution, then this is a definite breakthrough.

          AgentX20 I tried that too, didn't work sadly, especially cause Mojave used to work for me perfectly. Glad you found a solution though.

            devilgrove I tried that too, didn't work sadly, especially cause Mojave used to work for me perfectly. Glad you found a solution though.

            It's just as well it works otherwise I'd have no 'work' computer to speak of...! [big phew]

            4 months later


            I have iPhone XS, weirdly it causes me no symptoms provided reduce white point is on and brightness is low. I’m completely stuck finding a laptop to work on though :-(

            6 months later


            Please, tell us model of display in your mbp 2015. You can find it in color profile and using terminal. Tell both

            • bkdo replied to this.

              AgentX20 Please tell

              mbp 2013 early or late 2013. Can use also check display manufacturer? It's really important for me


                It is an early 2013 MacBook Pro with a GeForce 650M GPU and Intel HD Graphics 4000.

                I know I looked at the panel manufacturer years ago but I cannot remember what it was. I know I tried to pull that info a while back without success and I concluded that the commands people used don't perhaps work any more.

                If I get a bit of time tomorrow I'll give it a go.


                  Go to setting-display-color profile open standart colour profile (the first one) - then click at 17 line (mmod), information will be there


                    Here's what I got:

                    And to your other question - yes I have tried a few other MacBook Pros of similar vintage. None have felt as good as this one I'm using, but then I've also not been able to easily check on the panel manufacturer.

                    I hope this is helpful, and if you do know how to decode the info above do please post it as it could be helpful with my own investigations.


                      Yes, thank you a lot. I've tried quiet a lot screens, and now I stopped at Macbooks. It seems, like I found some usable models. And I check each of them for precise display model number.

                      The information you gave is very important. To test more MacBooks I need to order them by mail, so I need to know what to order.

                      Could you, please, also check the display using terminal?

                      I can order early 2013 15" A00F with Nvidia video card. (We are taking about 15" right?)And it's LP154WT1-SJA2. I guess, a display in that Mac also can be LP154WT1-SJA1. I'm wondering what do you have.

                      Also I ordered MacBook Pro 15" late 2013. Which is LG (A019), LP154WT1-SJE1, also with Nvidia.

                      The command for terminal

                      ioreg -lw0 | grep EDID | sed "/[^<]*</s///" | xxd -p -r | strings -6


                      I don't have access to that computer at the moment, sorry. I'll definitely let you know the specs when I can.
