
I've been trying for ages to register here. This site currently suffers from a couple of very serious problems:

1) If you have a problem, there is absolutely no information whatsoever on how to contact the admin. There is no link available anywhere! zip, nada.

2) Registering a user is highly problematic. I've tried it several times and sometimes it just won't do a thing when I try to register an account, just highlighting with red my data without actually telling me why, while other times actually letting me register an account just to then not send me any kind of confirmation mail and leaving me with a completely useless account. Yes, clicking again and again on the "resend confirmation mail" is to no avail.

Today everything worked perfectly but on most other days it didn't. I used to have an account here a couple of months ago but I remember how dull all the registering process was at the time -- I had to keep trying for days to get anything done.

    fakeaccount 2) Registering a user is highly problematic. I've tried it several times and sometimes it just won't do a thing when I try to register an account, just highlighting with red my data without actually telling me why, while other times actually letting me register an account just to then not send me any kind of confirmation mail and leaving me with a completely useless account. Yes, clicking again and again on the "resend confirmation mail" is to no avail.

    What browser and OS?

    What name was your old account?

    Maybe the email got spam filtered due to Direct SMTP?


    There were issues with outbound emails - right around the time you mention (a couple of months ago), especially with gmail accounts. After reviewing it, there are recently more issues with gmail.
    Because of this, I've changed from direct SMTP to using a relay (SendGrid). Probably should of done this earlier (@JTL)
    Sorry for the trouble 🙁

    there is absolutely no information whatsoever on how to contact the admin

    Good point. Where would be a good spot for that? Could create some kind of F.A.Q.

    I used to have an account here

    I've activated all the accounts due to the likeliness of it being server-side. Feel free to use that account!

    • JTL replied to this.

      fakeaccount there is absolutely no information whatsoever on how to contact the admin.

      Added a Contact link at the top
      Related note, can add links there now 👍

      • JTL replied to this.

        Perfect - Works 😃

        I think that resolves the issues

        • Able to contact if can't login
        • Email delivery
        • JTL likes this.
        4 years later
        2 months later