I agree that everything is interconnected in our body. Yet, if only "perfect" people could use modern electronics without problems, there would be barely no one capable of using nowadays's devices, which is clearly not the case.
I have been suffering from sinusitis forever. The past two years I had several attacks in the place where I relocated, mostly because I can't stand AC and passing from swamp climate outdoors to chilly and dry indoors. Instead in 2020 I have been great so far. My eye strain has not faded, though.
I bought a mouth guard 1,5 years ago and have not noticed any improvement to my eye condition.
I have been under acupuncture treatment for nearly two years. I do not even know why I keep doing it.
I have been doing eye exercises with Brock string and else. I have visited countless ophthalmologists and one orthoptist in the last 15 months. They have no clue. A week ago I bought glasses with tinted lenses, corrected my 0.5 astigmatism on the left eye, put a blue filter. Top quality lenses. Glasses give me inflammation and make me feel dizzy, I guess because of the rose tint.
Although I did not go ask them, I have people affected by some degree of strabismus around at work, their condition is pretty evident. They do not seem to have any issue with newer Macs everyone on this forum complains about.
It is better to be in the best health state possible, but if that were the necessary condition to use modern devices, high tech companies will all go bankrupted.
I have thrown a lot of money at solving my issues. Unfortunately, although I do not consider them charlatans, a lot of the specialists I met do not have the modesty and intellectual honesty to admit that they cannot help and are clueless.
I think more and more that this is a neurological issue. Not that neurologists have a better clue, sadly.