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So since very long ago I had ccfl monitor acer al1916w, its nothing special but it served me well. Some years down the line I decided to get new monitor to get more resolution because 1440x900 isnt that much for programs with lot of menus
. Bought AOC ips 24". Around 1-3 minutes after looking at it I felt like I got needles in both my eyes, it was very aggresive feeling, then the headache came. I tried to ignore it as I thought I just need adjust time, played with contrast brightness etc. on day 3, the pain was not going away and looking at that thing was torture, I started researching those symptoms and found out this model had really bad(slow) PWM. I returned it becaue nothing I could do made thing better.
Some time after that I decided to borrow monitor from friend, it was benq ips supposed to be flicker free, it was bit better, but still very uncomfortable. At that point I gave up on new monitors because I suspected LED could be at fault here. Recently I was browsing sales offers in searching for CCFL monitor I found the exact same model as I was using, even tho I wanted more resolution I decided to buy it as it was cheap (converted to USD around 12 dollars) and it was supposed to be hardy ever used. So after bringing it back home it really was barely ever used so I was glad, plugged it in and after some adjustment started using it, and to my suprise it wasnt as comfortable as the old one. It was still MUCH better than any led I used, just not as good as the previous.
So I decided to plug both at once. New one into 1050ti with vga>hdmi connector, and old one as second into motherboard, intel i3 6100 graphics. To my huge surprise the picture was very different on both on them, so I started doing anything possible to match new colors to the old one. It turned out to be impossible. I started wandering about what is going on, and one thing coming to my mind was ccfl degradation, after all old one needed to be set to 78 brightness and new one is at 29 to be the same brightness. It turned out old monitor is very warm, kinda pink/orange compared to the new one, and this effect is impossible to achive through any pixel modification, after all you cant change backlight color with pixel entirely.
So I started wondering what if it was possible to make led monitor with rgb adjustable backlight, so the user would be able to freely adjust light to his tastes? Would that make eye strain go away? After all those 2 monitors are identical, the only difference is one have very old ccfl that started to be orange/pink instead of white. I understand the color reproduction isnt spot on with something like this, but most people dont do color sensitive work on thir monitors, and even those who do dont need it 100% of time, so adjustable RGB backlit would be ideal. Please tell me what do you think about it, I feel like Im slowly going insane having that huge problem that no one I know is able to see.