
  • Jan 27, 2021
  • Joined Jan 24, 2021
  • woww, I'm sooo happy that I found this post and this forum
    I'm from tunisia, 20 years old last summer I spent most of it working even in the curfew
    then before a month of school return I took some rest and bought a new laptop wish is Aspire 3 with I3-8130U CPU,
    4GB of RAM 2400MHz and I added other 4GB to it, 1T HDD, MX130 nvidia graphic card and a 15.6" HD (13660 x 768 px) screen. then after the new laptop I bought new glasses (crizal prevencia) that are blue and green light blocking I guess I'm not sure about that but they're supposed to be like that and they're expensive. anyway in period we were in curfew and I've been looked in my house + I'm a computer science student and computer science is life to me. so in that period I had a lot of struggling times with my head pain, nausea, dizziness and neck pain and a lottt of depression and pressure
    I didn't think of the laptop nor my glasses cuz they were new, my gf told me it's just because u're not used to be locked at home and u're spending too many hours on screens, so I tried to do not use my laptop for a day but it didn't make any deffirence (as I read above It'll take take several days to get back to normal. so yeah makes sence it doesn't work ) but I didn't know about that at that time so I just keept using it and suffering from dizziness and sleepless nights (it effected my sleep too). from that time I searched a lot and a lot about it and I found that posture can cuz all of that so I started trainning and working on it cuz I'm tall and I don't have a good posture and had a lot of pain neck. but nth worked and I literally done a lot of more things like I've done all the kind of stuff I can do. it literally screwed up my whole life, I gave up on everything and stayed like that in bed for days cuz I couldn't find any solution I did blood tests and I found nth, I did and MRI test on my head same I found nth. until someone told me that he had the same problem before with his glasses so I tested them and I tested my eyes again and found nth everything is normal. today 24/01/2021 I've been searching about my glasses types (CRIZAL PREVENCIA) and I found out that some people but only a little few of them had eye problems from it when using screens, so I said maybe that's it but I'm not sure yet.
    sometimes I go at my friends house and we play with his ps4 that is plugged with a big TV. so everytime when I go and play with him I get the strongest dizziness and nausea, so everytime I go to him I end up telling him that I feel dizzy and I go back home.
    this problem costed me a lot of damage mentally and physically, I've been living with disorders, forgetfulness and a lot of brain damage. but these days I got over that and I don't spent too much time on my laptop as before so it's better then before but still I get those feelings of nausea and dizziness
    I've been reading a lot of articals about eyes and brain and other stuff, and now I ended up in this forum
    did anybody find a solution yett?? I'm soo confused
    so it's the monitor that is causing all of this right??

    I checked my new laptop screen it's a led screen, and I checked my friends screen that's causing me nausea too, it's led too, then I checked my tv and my home computer that I'm fine with them they are lcd
    so I guess I have problems with led monitors
