
  • Joined Apr 4, 2022
  • MYZ Not expert on macs but certainly internal display connection is more complex than screen being connected to gpu frame-buffer like most laptops. DCP is name of coprocessor that manages display outside of gpu and it is entirely possible that it could perform dithering regardless of what gpu does.

    Some say strain with Asahi is better so perhaps that could be useful of research - however given how difficult research of display outputs on 'classic' laptops is certainly not something I would wait on.

  • NewDwarf It is weird this thread has such a long history but the solution is still not found.

    Thread about AMD graphics which is different driver architecture then the Intel. So not weird at all.

    In addendum could be that even when dithering is used the algorithm changes between macOS versions which could explain differences in perceived strain between unmodified versions on same hardware.

    Could be changes in algorithm to match some arbitrary benchmark of color reproduction on already released hardware. A guess.

    • NewDwarf elegant solution you say? could it be feature string in the driver? :-)

      if you certain it work why not describe it here? describing facts is legal and surely someone else with knowledge will find it from that.

    • Sunspark how do you think people discover 'secret' properties or undocumented features of macos?

      not through brute force or lucky guessing. :-)

    • NewDwarf what changes in 3 month?

      think some people really need to calm down and stop the censorship comparable to bloody dictators

      as determined by several recent court cases reverse engineering of legitimately obtained software to correct issues is de-facto legal.

      you own a mac there is your legitimately obtained macos.

      also apple has left the hackintosh scene alone only getting upset when people distribute copyrighted installer images or sell premade hackintosh systems

      you are allowed to make install images from an existing mac system and selling a computer that could run macos is not illegal

      distributing complete fixes can sound like a challenge but methods of binary patching can be done that do not involve the distribution of any items of copyright.

      please pm or email and we can talk in private

    • MAS-76 'bricked' the machine? if you just mean rendering the operating-system inoperable having a backup of the kext directory thats restored in single-user mode and clearing the kext-cache should get you going again.

      sadly the steps for this can vary on the operating-system version. the internet is your friend.

      • Maxx sorry to be clear have not gotten around to testing win10 with the audit-mode yet. I hope to gather spare computer to try install of win10 with the audit-mode soon.

        above post was just speculation and surprise given the fact many people here this issue that not many here seem to be have tried it.

      • [deleted] I was hoping more people would test and chime in in but guess not :-(

        very strange that audit-mode would affect the strain but my guess is if real it affects some hidden setting in windows 10 possibly about compositing or dwm.

        maybe if people are concerned about the data-loss they can either do a full disk-image of C drive or take old laptops that do not have the strain with windows 7 do a fresh install of windows 10 with drivers and test the audit-mode there.

        closer to a solution for us all the better!

        • Maxx replied to this.
        • came across this in searching because i also have eyestrain problem with win10, only tested laptops so many other factors can come into play like gpus and screens.

          i see data loss with this audit mode is a concern but maybe if more people have a reduction of the strain using it this could be answer for this particular issue.

          could then results be sent to microsoft or other researchers to figure out what audit mode does versus a normal mode.

          thanks for reading! :-)
