
  • Jan 4, 2019
  • Joined Jun 5, 2018
  • Gurm and KM, thank you for the quick responses!

    KM: In the next couple days I'll reload windows clean to 1507 and insert the group policy, find an older graphics driver that works on 10, and get ditherig.exe running.

    Gurm: From what you said I underetand the security updates will not affect the rendering, so long as the edition is still listed as 1507. That's good to know. I'll update when I get everything running-- probably will take a few days to a week before I get to it. Thanks again!

  • Is it still possible to to prevent auto updates on Windows 10 LTSB 2015 on XPS 13? Also, Which intel graphics driver is recommended for this device?

    After following this forum for a while, I purchased a used XPS 13 9343 (2015) wiped with no operating system, and separatley bought Win10 ENT LTSB 2015 key/ISO off ebay. I booted windows to the device from USB and before establishing an internet connection selected "defer upgrades" and "notify to schedule restart" under the advanced options in windows update. Dissapointingly, after a couple reboots the computer had automatically downloaded and installed a slew of 2018 updates. Does anyone know another way to turn off updates?

    As for the graphics driver, after the device auto updated to the 2018 version, I attempted to install but got the "not meet minimum requirments" window. Does anyone know another old driver that will work on this device?

    I'm tempted to try Win 7 or linux. Currently it burns my eyes out within 5 min, but want to give it a fair trial in the correct software configuration before writing it off... and trying something else.

    I appeciate all the work that has been done on this forum and would appreciate any suggestion!

    • KM replied to this.