- Edited
Can use:
Ipad 2018 - with reduce white point on the first (lowest) or higher settings. With this turned off is ok for a short time, but then I get pain in my eyes. Its like its too bright even if I lower the brightness. (I have tried to 'trick' myself that its on when its not but it always seems to hurt unless I turn it on) BUT I had this similar issue with an LG G6 but eventually was able to use it with the screen warmness OFF (not exactly the same but you get me) and I dont use the ipad as much but I've had it a couple years now.
Iphone 8 plus, seems fine but not used for significant periods of time
Cant use:
Macbook pro 13 2015, had to sell it.
Would almost immediatly (talking minutes of use) get a significant headache that was like a burning pressure within my head, my eyes would get sore and hurt all round the eye (guessing eye muscles), afterwards I would have a 'hangover' from it for 1-3 days where the pain and disorentation would persist and gradually get better without use. Tried to get use to it for more than a year, sold it. Tried Ubuntu on it, W10 and a few other random Linux versions and still had this issue even with external monitors - tried all sort of color profiles and screen filters and running in safe mode (sort of helped that) but in the end it just wasnt usable for me.
(Have exactly the same issue with a T460 that I had to sell and a work Dell lattitue, neither of which I could use for more than a few minutes without the same sort of pain, even with external monitors)
Also anything with an OLED screen, my work samsung A6 has PWM at 230ish hz and I cant use it. The Dell laptop has PWM at 1000hz but even with external screens causes me issues (PWM affects me but not as intense as whatever dithering etc the Mac / Dell uses etc)
I had a galaxy S6 years ago (broke it) that had an OLED screen that was fine though. Maybe it had PWM or maybe it didnt - maybe it caused all my problems who knows.