I was using my iPhone 6 slowmo video (240 fps) feature to test out the PWM on my laptop screens, and noticed that all the LED bulbs in my office flickered pretty noticeably when playing back the video. I did't know if that was normal, so tried doing the same with other bulbs around the house. The florescent kitchen lights on electronic ballasts did not flicker, and neither did this one set of LED bulbs I put in the laundry room.
Those LED bulbs that did not flicker, I happened to purchase from the local orange big box hardware store a few months ago, just cause they seemed different, are GE Bright Stik. More details on the GE website:
I am not sure why these don't flicker, if they are really DC LEDs that have a converter built into the base, or maybe more advanced driver that smooths out the AC frequency dropouts that causes the flicker.
I can post a video of this on youtube if anyone would like to see them.