ensete Would be real progress. Canada has been more fortunate though.

15 days later

I plan to buy incandescent bulbs but how do I know which one's are legit? arent most of them banned from obama administration where only the bad energy saving ones are left in the market now? has Trump signed an executive order to stop that regulation?

    ctsai89 He has not. I wild encourage you to write and call your Congressman and ask them support reintroduction of the BULB act ( H.R. 849 )

    You can still purchase incandescent bulbs, just not the same ones you used to. Rough service bulbs running at 130v are still available for purchase. You can Google lighting retailers and find out whats out there

      ctsai89 Well if you want to be correct and not just angry, it was George H.W Bush who initally signed the regulations 🙁

        JTL Well aware of the EISA legislation 🙂 I'm not to concerned with who passed it, I just want the BULB act to be resubmitted and passed. It lefts the restrictions on the incandescent light bulb manufacturer.

          ensete Yup. Let the free market sort it out like a real conservative.

          JTL Bush and Obama are both terrible idiots who didn't know what to do.

          • JTL replied to this.


            so you're saying none of those incandescent bulbs that are available now are anything close to something you guys are ok with like the way they used to be? or are they acceptable?

            Can you import old regular bulbs from other countries? Maybe that's an option. In Europe they are not manufactured anymore but you can still buy them. The factories have produced large stocks before the ban. 1 bulb 60W = ~0,90 to 1,20 €

            Edit: Maybe they'll be much darker because of the difference 220V vs 110V

            ctsai89 Bush and Obama are both terrible idiots who didn't know what to do.

            Or just pushed by the LED lobby and such. Is there going to be a Politics section on this forum soon? 😃

              JTL Whatever anyone thinks of current or past executive administrations in the US (and nothing to be gained by discussing it either), Congress is and has been in the hands of lobbyists for decades. Best thing is to put pressure on your local elected representative. and let them know where you stand, showing common decency and if they are of your political ideology, you could let them know you are willing to help with their primary or something like that. I'm not American so I can't help but in my experience in dealing with politicians calling is much more effective than other methods to apply pressure.

              • JTL likes this.


              • JTL replied to this.

                I suppose the lightbulbs regulation is one of the things he wants to get rid of.


                First Trump tweet linked to on this forum 😛

                While I wouldn't go that far. They cause way more problems than they solve. And I'm sure accidently ingesting the mercury in CFL's would cause lots of harm and poisoning.


                  yea sorry I don't mean to post politics, I was just googling to see if retards like Obama/Bush/Hillary had anything to do with since they're always talking about energy saving/green planet.

                    ctsai89 It could be possible to be energy efficient and eye-healthy lighting if there was more interest and money towards it.

                    Also people become very emotionally invested in political figure and calling them retards is very insulting to those people who are invested in them. It doesn't help us get anywhere. All it can do is turn people off and reduce interest in the forum. This is why most forums have off-topic or political sections but we aren't big enough for that so why not just cool it till then or go to your favourite subreddit about it.

                      Let me try to get to stear this to a productive thing: Interesting you bring up the eco-friendly -> cancer thing. CFL and LED consumer lighting has a high content of high-energy blue visible light which is damaging to the skin and eyes. I doubt if a cancer connection could ever be proven although it is possible a correlation could be made although this is highly unlikely for a large study on this to occur. This is one of the most easy things to convince people about LED as opposed to "flicker" which people tune out when you start talking about. It's a great way to start conversation about LED and CFL lighting.


                        I agree. But in the situation we're in, I don't really think people like us even have the choice of reducing interest in this kind of issue. People that don't suffer from the same problem we do already wouldn't contribute even a cent of a second of their time on this. My father's a doctor and he shrugs it off everytime I tell him about it and he still praises LED lights.

                        But I will refrain from using those kind of words.

                        • JTL likes this.


                        So I pretty much quoted your "CFL and LED consumer lighting has a high content of high-energy blue visible light which is damaging to the skin and eyes" and made it a post on my facebook. As per usual, I was getting people to comment saying how the environment is supreme and LED is all hands down the best choice due to the energy saving qualities and the fact taht it has a long life (telling me like as if I was unaware of such an obvious fact). One of them even worked with phillips to develop LED lights to lessen the blue light. And I was also getting the same old usual "a lot of people have this problem too, try warm LED lights, glasses, etc etc" No one seems to be able to think outside the box aside from the solutions that are already present that don't work for people like us. I wish I could say they're ignorant because these environmentalists aren't looking at any further solutions like research, they think they know it all and "LED > all" is set. But do/should they really even have to care about this when we're pretty much 0.0025% of the population?

                        I hate LED's.
