My wife upgraded from her iPhone 8 on an older iOS to a new 13 pro. I can't look at it for more than 10 seconds or so. It's on iOS 15.3.
Is anyone having issues with iOS 15?
I'm surprised that the iPhone and iPads don't offer color profiles. I would love to step down from P3 to RGB and see if that helps. That said, the iPhone 12 and maybe 13 (since I believe are the same panels) were measured at having PWM at 240Hz I believe. If so, that's in the danger zone. Sorry, Archer……
If people aren’t already- try setting reduce white point at 95% and then adjust brightness as needed. I know this goes against rules for PWM but it works for me on my Xs. Having said that it doesn’t do enough on other models.
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I updated an 8+ to ios15.3, this was a mistake. Something appears to have changed and I cant use it for more than a few moments without devloping a headache. Staying on it will get worse and worse. The display is 'displaying' differently, I think they've changed something about how the output is drawn on the screen, like a progressive / interlaced image sort of thing. Perhaps its also made a change to the refresh rate?
Even now after only moments of looking at the lock screen and going into settings to confirm the version I'm slightly dizzy. I find it unlikely that anything I had done in the moments before picking up the device was the cause of it, tomorrow if I dont try to use it I will feel fine, if I try to use it the problem will restart.
I've tried all the accessibility settings and reduce white point is on.
My regular 8 will remain on 14.8, I may try to purcase another 7 or 8 as a backup device as I've now lost mine.
(I preferred the smaller size of the normal 8 over the 8 plus which was my backup)
my ipad 6 (?) is on ios / ipados 13 as well, my fault for not updating it to 14 when I had chance, I dont think I can update it to 15, cant risk the problem as there is no way to roll back
It seems there is no escape from these problems. I am hoping that future ios15 updates may be more suitable? Either way there is no 'official' way for me to downgrade any of my devices to ios14
Just another thought, what if ios15 has changed the 'default' color space (etc) from 'SRGB' to 'RGB' or to 'apple propritory vivid new' etc (or whatever) ? that may explain this.
Would this be test-able / confirmable via a monitor calibration camera tool that detects the color space?
I wish we knew what the change was. Even in their long change log, they mentioned nothing regarding general GUI or system changes. They choose not to advertise that. If it's a flicker thing, I will find out in a couple of months when my meter gets here. If it's color space, it's a shame they don't offer color pallet choices like PCs and laptops do.
Small update from me.
I had the impression that it got better as time went on with iOS version 15.3.1. However, the complaints were still far from gone. Now I have updated to the current version 15.4 in the hope that something improves. Unfortunately, the opposite was the case. My complaints got worse again, so I put the smartphone aside most of the time since then.
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If you started having issues with iOS 14.8 or higher, please consider reaching out to Apple at or calling them here:
United States: 1-877-204-3930
United Kingdom.: 0800 048 0754
Australia: (61) 1-300-365-083
The one silver lining of 14.8 introducing these issues for us is that we can now offer Apple a very specific place to look in terms of what changed with the displays. If you do contact them, make sure to mention 14.8 is where the issues started. Also, If you have any relevant medical diagnoses (BVD, etc), I'd also recommend mentioning that as well.
I contacted them a while ago and mentioned my BVD + issues with A11 to A12 and 14.7 to 14.8, and they replied with this:
"Thank you for your email. We appreciate you taking the time to share, and would like to learn more.
Do you experience similar issues while using any other technology with a screen?
Have you found any solutions, like glasses, eye patch, etc., to mitigate your discomfort?
Do you experience the discomfort that you described during the day, night, or both? "
I've contacted them several times before, and I've never had them actually reply and ask for more info. I'm hopeful that this means they're taking some kind of interest in our situation. I think it would be very helpful if all of us who have issues with 14.8 (or higher) reach out and let them know to look at whatever changed between 14.7 to 14.8. Since we know this is a software issue, the fix could potentially be as simple as an accessibility setting for color profiles.
My iPhone 6s seems to be incurring a little more rapid eye strain with the latest 15.4.
I shudder most of the time when I see the notification on my phone wanting me to update. Not today Apple. Maybe not any day.
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I contacted Apple and was told that they do not discuss the changes made and that there was not anything they could do for me, they did suggest I submit feedback though but this wont fix the problem
Also 14.8 is totally fine for me on the 8, some people are not ok with 14.8 though so that does suggest that whatever is affecting people differs between people. It is somewhat understandable that whatever apple (etc) are doing maybe is some sort of average where it doesnt affect most people - but I doubt they do any testing at all for this.
HAL9000 I contacted Apple and was told that they do not discuss the changes made and that there was not anything they could do for me, they did suggest I submit feedback though but this wont fix the problem
It wouldn't be surprising to me if the team responsible for accessibility feedback was "siloed" off enough from engineering that there is a "threshold" of an issue before it can even be considered for escalation up the chain.
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My ipad air 2 display is fked up on iOS 15. I regret updating so much because not only the ipad became slower but the screen also causes eye strain and headache now.
The black is now "less black", more like dark grey. The white is so fatiguing to look at. I believe what they are trying to do is to "fake" a "brighter", more "vivid" display than before, but they fail. Colors are so shallow, contrast is way worse. I hate this "fake" display so much - it's the exactly same thing that Apple do with iPhone 11 (LCD).
When powering on, at the apple logo screen, the white background shows remarkable "rainbow effect" where I can see all sorts of color tints from different angles. I do not recall noticing this from earlier iOS.
It's so depressing that after all we talk about particular models, cpu, panels … Apple can just fk all up with an iOS update, making such an old ipad as mine (2014) suddenly useless. We can not trust our old devices anymore.
I think for now we avoid all iOS update. If anyone decides to jump then let's keep others updated.
[deleted] I'm sorry to hear about the issues and the software "upgrade". You seem to have very similar issues as I do especially with how you view the whites. It doesn't even seem white anymore and it's fatiguing as heck to look at for more than a few seconds for me. I don't know what their goal was with these changes, but they are just awful aesthetically and more so pain-wise.