I've been reading and posting this forum for several years.
My problem has always been PWM and flickering.
My eyes get bloodshot within 15 minutes of OLED screens. Over the years I have been able to use several displays (phones, laptos, televisions and LCD displays) without problembs.
But suddenly, since the war in Ukraine started I was really overdoing it with my phone, browsing twitter and the news on top of a typical workday, I suddenly realized that my eyes are really dry and bloodshot constantly. I have been able to limit my phone use to only a few checks here and there during the day and I've tried to limit my display use, especially on the weekends. But my yes do not seem to recover, or then there is some change in my windows 11 machine or my phone.
I checked both and there does not seem to be any updates that would affect the screen behavior, so I'm really at a loss what is happening. Previously my HP screen has been such that I have been able to use it for 12h a day, then keep using it during the evening for gaming or web browsing. Any offending devices with PWM or temporal dithering, I always have recovered within a day. E.g. after using the new laptop or phone for a day, in the morning my eyes are irritated and dry. But now suddenly these devices that have not caused any irritation, no matter how much I have used them, seem to cause severe irritation.
I also went to an eye clinic and they did IPL treatment and Infrared LED treatment to warm and stimulate to meibom glands to remedy any dry eye problem. But after doing this 2x, it does not help at all.
Yes, my eyes do feel like they get dry, but the actual source of the problem has always been PWM and if I stop using a device with PWM, I'm fine the next day. But now even a few days with limited or no use, my eyes are still dry and red and irritated, and watching even my trusty HP display get my eyes dry and burning.
Has anyone else noticed within the past month any update in windows 11 that seems to cause similar issues?
I have had this problem for 30 years and always I have recovered from any irritation by just stopping the use of the device. I have also have had periods where I have used my phone or display really too many hours a day, like even 18 hours, but with these current devices I have, they have not caused any irritation at all. Now there is no change in anything that I know of but my eyes are just burning.
Any ideas?