
It could be the panel lottery in the laptops i have four of the same model laptops (same OS, driver version, everything the same) which are my go to, but one of them was causing strain despite it being exactly the same but i notice the screen looked different, the panel did not look the same as the others but i checked the hardware ID of the panel and it was a SHP1453 which means its a LQ156M1JW31 panel which is exactly the same panel in the other three units so i bought a replacement panel and swapped out the panel on the laptop causing strain and after it was perfectly comfortable like the other three laptops. It was literally down to panel lottery/quality control of the same model panel. If your own x280 always caused eyestrain it might be worth doing a screen swap on it.

Maxx So I would just like to stop all the nonsense with vitamins, minerals, suplements, emfs etc. This is really a big issue that is produced by the PWM flicer or some other form of flicker that does not seem to be temporal dithering in all cases or then ditherig somehow just removes dithering and leaves some other form of flicker.

After testing many GPU's and spending some time with a new Iris Xe laptop i agree that there is some other type of dithering / compression going on that isnt able to be picked up by a lossless capture card. I think perhaps newer GPU's are using more aggressive memory compression algorithms which could possibly have some type of dithering which is part of the compression process and a capture card isnt able to detect it.

No, x280 never caused eye strain.

2 months later

Maxx I've tried ditherig in multiple computers and it does not make any difference.

ditherig worked for me on 3rd gen intel i7 (ivy bridge) laptop with intel hd 4000 and Windows 8.1, huge improvement. running it reduces the screen ALL the way to true 6-bit

one day i had accidentally forgot to run it, i didn't even know that it wasn't running, but suddenly i was having a lot of trouble processing repeating vertical information on the screen (to be specific, the checkboxes on Gmail web) and feeling really tired. eventually realized i forgot to open ditherig, boom, entirely fixed screen became 100% comfortable again and i could finally see "all of the things repeating all at the same time in perfect alignment".

ditherig WORKS on that machine, no placebo — absolutely noticeable and real improvement.

but i agree it doesn't work at all on most other computers very flaky on anything newer than like 2015 lol

thankfully it worked on my old laptop though
