Hi all, I am actually after 1 month episode of searching for usable laptop, not satisfied results, as usually. Bit of tired, bit of dissapointed, as usually. I tested varius nowadays models by various manufacturers /but almost every model of laptop have panel from two manufacturers - AU Optronics or BOE./ In general I can say only that I have two types of problems - first one is classical eye strain and pressures inside head, migraines, which comes from backlit of panels. Second one is some weird type of inability of reading or understanding of displayed content, like some parts of images, letters in words are missing, any type of problem with peripheral. Is interesting, that this conditions perstist few hours after no looking at panel /also headaches, pressueres/. This problems starts 2015 and they are still the same.

Is necessary to say that my eyes are ok, like 16y old teenager, two visits in opthalmologist, same result.

This fact is confirmed by my old professional gear, which I am still using, because there s no alternative. EIZO 2736W from 2014 is my grail, no problems anytime. But I had this same model from 2015 /since start of my problems/ few months ago for testing, because I wanted two pieces of this model for more, and it was terrible - headaches, pressures after fist seconds of looking at this crap. My theory is, that something between 2013 - 2015 happens in LED technology industry. I havent problem with AMOLEDS and older gear of LCDs,but have a problem with LEDs started producing maybe 2013.. 2014.. you know, some new technology are gradually coming to the market. For example I have this same types of problems with flashlights and LEDs lights at all - I am not able to normally recognize iluminated objects under this types of light sources. It looks like partially illuminated, or some kind of dusk, really hard to describe. But its very similar like trying to recognize content on LED backlit iluminated LCD panel. I researched this topic around interner forums, and somewhere somebody wrote me, that in 2014 many of producers of LEDs of backlit just set their leds into more agressive blue spectrum, because many customers wasnt satisfy with displayed blue colour /maybe it was another colour, but at all spectrum was physically moved into more blue/. I am not seriously shure if it is true, but it sounds senseful. Something in 2014/15 happens and nobody knows what it was. What we knows is just a fact, that problems of many of us started in this period very suddenly.

Few results of my last trying to buy laptop:

Asus Zephirus M16 - absolutely unusable, not possible tu read and agressive backlit

Asus ROG Strix G15 this same

Lenovo Legion 5 PRO /various models with QHD/ - better than Asus, but still bit of agressive backlit and unreadability

Lenovo Legion 5 - this cheap plastic sh*t with FHD looks best from the about 14 models, which I tested in last month, I am seriously thinking about stay here

Dell G15 7011 - at the start looks best one, but after few minutes it hurts and it s heavy unreadable

At the end I think, that absolutely not depends on laptop manufacturer , because thay all are using panels from two or three ,,gigafactories" in China. This same panels used across all of trademarks on the market.

I really think, that problems of many of us are not coming from software /Nvidia stuff, all of this dithers and other/, but they comming from hardware - especialy LEDs in backlit.


    I think “the ledstrain problem” started around 2008 when Apple released their MacBook with LED. Some users had problem with screens since that time, some users later. For me it was 2011.

      mike Interesting, maybe I am wrong, who knows. That's true, that I had problems with intensive daylight /last year it's better/ and silhouettes from lightsources or shiny objects. Reading white text on black background, usually called ,,night sensitive mode" is pure horror for me. Burned silhouettes everywhere 😃

      OyoLarsen LG and Samsung also manufacture panels on laptops (not that I've found them any better for my eyes).

      Do you have issues with using a monitor/external display as well?

        ryans Yes, there s a plenty of manufacturers like Sharp, Innolux or Toshiba. But it s just a minor part of market, the most devices are powered by AU Optronics and BOE panels, but you know. Every panel manufacturer is just a buyer of LEDs into theit backlits, I heard that only two or three large factories are providing LEDs to all industries into world /maybe more ones, but we are talking about majority of market/. Answer at your question is - yes, I have problem with LED backlit panels at all, monitors … laptops … smartphones … TVs /here s less painfully, dont know why, maybe distance from the device/. Also LEDs like a light source - I cant recognize illuminated objects as well, looks like variously missing parts by time. The worst painfull experience coming from 2,5 inch Olympus camera screen /2017/, I must using just a internal AMOLED finder for everything /also setting a camera/, because few seconds of viewing at this beast provide me massive migraine for hours. This problems are handycap as f*ck in this age, especially when you are product/graphic designer.

        The problem is not just with LED screen alone. Even software changes also cause this issue. With the same laptop, 2 different OS versions behave differently. So I am guessing the cause of the issue will be combinations of screen, CPU hardware, OS & Software.


          I am shure, that s my problems are LEDs in backlite. I used various notebooks /last month it was 12 devices/, with various hardware /CPU, GPU, panels/ and various OS with various settings, but on this old EIZO EV2736W /year 2013/ or my LG Flatron from 2011, everything works fine. After looking at internal device panel, torture started.

          I discovered today, that when I am looking at ,,unreadable" panel for longer time /half hour and longer/, I can partially settle to this one, but after that I am not ablee to recognize viewed objects around me very well - problem was removed from panel to enviroment, that s significant sign of discorelation of viewing at the panel and viewing into normal conditions enviroment and my brain is possible to react at this discorelation and set himself.

          • mike replied to this.


            I read yesterday your topic about and also today start practicing this one

            But, you know. Something in technology had to be changed, because older monitors /for me before 2015/ are still good for me. Also on various OS, GPUs, settings … also AMOLED is ok. I think, that problem is in LEDs of backlit. Are you using any amoleds?

            An from third point of view - I think, that cover glass on deviced can cause many problems. I am heavy shure, thats producing something called ,,chromatic abberation", which is uncorectable by eyes and I am seriously ,,allergic" on this feature. And some weird ,,glows" around shining objects /especially on amoleds/. Just compare old devices, or PC monitor with antiglare surface with glossy, hardglass tablet or smartphone.

            mike 2008 and immediately the famous forum post started discussing the role of LEDs. The thread lasts 166 pages and spans ten years. In the last post Keynode leads users here.

            After many tests and tested devices I can say in generally, that there's three ways how I am getting strains and symptoms.

            1. Immediate response - pressures of sides and back part of head, pressures in eyespheres, headache and migraine.
            2. Immediate response - unability to comfortable reading of displayed content on screen, ,,effect of reflected lamp" , confused condition and unability to concentrating on thinking /sounds weird, but s true/. Usually this kind of screens doesnt make me problems from point 1 or very weak . Problems with ,,readability on screen" are next turned into problems with readability of all of around me for a fer hours after using this type of screen. I am not able to quick recognize objects surrounding me, looks like ,,cubistic movie".
            3. Late response - this kind of screen looks pretty good at the start, symptoms are very weak but it comes in full force after 30/60 minutes, especially when I moved to my old good EIZO 2736W monitor. It take several hours.

            New observation - screen causes me headache and also eyestrain thru black display. I have actually laptop set on second, remote screen, but when I open lid - backlit is turned on. So screen of laptop is black, but backlit is working, so I decided to do test and just looking at black screen with working backit. Result - this same eyestrain and headaches like in normally working screen. Something must be shining thru panel, some part of backlit s LED spectrum.

            Important observation!! : problem with ,,unreadable screen" almost solved with set screen from 240Hz to 60Hz. Now it s much more better, I can be focused on detail.

            Hardware is 100% a factor in this. Software can also be.

            I am using a Lenovo T440 with a 720p TN screen, it has no PWM. It is totally ok for me to use.

            If I fit a 1080p IPS screen to it, also flicker free I get migraine symptoms.

            Same graphics, different screen = problem.

            So I take a Dell 5740, with its 1080p IPS screen, I cannot use it without migraine, fit the 720p TN screen…..same migraine symptoms.

            Difference is the Lenovo has HD4600, Dell has HD530 graphics.

            Bonus, I have another laptop with HD530 and I can use it without problem but it is 15" and other are 14" screen. I put the IPS screen from the others on this laptop and it is OK for me to use but not right as 14 screen on 15 laptop frame.

            I would very much like to know what is the difference to the output even when using same drivers.

            If i ever win jackpot on lottery I will find out why this is happening.

            I am actually writing this text on Gigabyte Aorus 15P KD with FHD Sharp LQ156M1JW03 panel and I can say, that after setting refresh rate to 60Hz it looks usable. Not perfect, not ideal, but with some pauses it would be a way. I am not satisfy with this laptop build, plastic cheap body, also plastic Lenovo Legion 5 looks like a tank in comparison with this taiwan magic. But BOE FHD panel in Legion provide me symptoms /head pressures, migraine, eye pressures/ few seconds or minutes after looking at panel, it s really unusable. This Sharp panel isn t provide me any headaches and pressures, but its ,,focused" on eyestrain, but it s for me better choice than headaches and migraines, I am not able to do anything with this. I am planning also test Gigabyte Aero 15 with UHD OLED panel by Samsung, looks promising, but I really afraid scalling of Windows /looks good on 15,6 inch only in FHD 100%. / and also glossy surface providing disgusting chromatic abberations. I cant understand, why they are using this f*cking glossy shit, when everyone hate it in reviews. Just do that in matte finish, that s it. Anybody with Gigabyte laptop quality experience? I am little bit of scare of this producer, as I wrote, at the start - build is terrible, but display panel is quality Sharp.
